Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden?

7 years ago

"If He does not want that to happen, why put that tree in the middle of the garden - and…


7 years ago

God saves men at all times, but none of them can take to himself the honor of being conformed to…

The origin of Satan, the ‘father of lies’

7 years ago

When you understand that Satan desired God's position, many questions remain silent. But when it is understood that Satan sought…

Chosen generation

7 years ago

In eternity God elected the descent of the Lord Jesus Christ (descendant promised to Abraham), therefore, the Apostle Paul used…

The creation of man and the incarnation of Christ

7 years ago

What image and likeness which were awarded to Adam? The image and likeness of the immortal God who dwells in…