Therefore, that God is just

When Paul says that all have sinned, he points to Adam’s sin that struck all humankind (Rom. 5:12). Through the disobedience of one man (Adam), judgment and condemnation came upon all men, and they were made sinners (all mankind) (Rom. 5:19); In the same way, by the offense of Adam came the judgment of God on all men, and all are condemned “For just as by one offense came the judgment on all men for condemnation …” (Rom. 5:18).

Therefore, that God is just

“That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all and all who believe; because there is no difference” (Rom. 3:22)


Justice from faith to faith

The Justice of God is of faith (gospel) and by faith (trust) in Christ, for all, without any distinction, because all have sinned. God has brought powerful salvation to all humankind, since all have sinned.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23)

We know that God is just because:

a) It is no respecter of persons, and;

b) God provided salvation for all men, without distinction (Jews and Gentiles) “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life” ( John 3:16).

When Paul says that all have sinned, he points to Adam’s sin that struck all humankind (Rom. 5:12). Through the disobedience of one man (Adam), judgment and condemnation came upon all men, and they were made sinners (all mankind) (Rom. 5:19); In the same way, by the offense of Adam came the judgment of God on all men, and all are condemned “For just as by one offense came the judgment on all men for condemnation …” (Rom. 5:18).

Note that the judgment has already been made and is established over all men for condemnation, since the one who does not believe in Christ is already condemned, without distinction, because God is no respecter of persons (John 3:18).

When God’s judgment was establishing in Adam, all men died for God and began to live for the world. The law and the judgment were established in Adam: “… you will surely die” (Gen. 2:17), and the man died for God “The judgment came from one offense, actually, to condemnation …” (Rom. 5:16), starting to live for the world.

Men came to live in enmity with God and in friendship with the world (Jas 4: 4)!

Since men live for the world (they are at enmity with God), to return to befriend God, everyone must die to sin.

God is just, for He has provided free justice to all men through His grace. God’s grace is in the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

God’s grace redeems man, making those who accept Christ’s sacrifices to be rehabilitating to God’s glory. Since man has been depriving of the glory of God, the redemption that is in Christ rehabilitates man to receive what was lost in Adam.

As God is just (Rom. 3:26), He proposed Jesus Christ as atonement through faith (as it is by faith (gospel), all men have free access to God through Christ). In other words, for God to show his favor to the sinner, it was necessary for Christ to shed his blood.

Without the blood of Christ, it was impossible for God to be favorable to the sinner, since the justice of God requires that the transgressor not be absolving, but that he receive what is establishing in the condemnation: death.

In the face of justice in God, no transgression can go unpunished. The penalty imposed by law can never pass from the person who committed the transgression. Being just God, he cannot absolve the guilty. The culprit cannot be considering innocent.

Another feature of justice is in the law. The law obliges both those who have a duty to obey and those who have established it. If man lives up to the law, God will justify him, but if he does not succeed, he is subject to the established penalty “For those who hear the law are not just before God, but those who practice the law must be justified” ( Rom 2:13).

Faced with this obstacle, it is clear that a just God could not justify the sinner. Because of this obstacle, the apostle Paul wrote: “… so that God may be just…” He demonstrated his righteousness by the remission of sins that were previously committed under God’s tolerance.

How does this remission occur? How does just God justify the sinner? How is God just and justifying at the same time?

God’s justice determines that:

  • The offender is not considering innocent;
  • That the soul that sins, it must die, and;
  • That the penalty cannot pass from the person of the offender.

Through propitiation in Christ, God satisfies his justice, since the propositions we have quoted above are fully satisfied.

When the apostle Paul wrote “… so that God may be Just…” he was quite sure that God satisfied what his justice, righteousness and holiness require.

God has not blamed the innocent (Na 1: 3);

It is true; it is pertinent to justice, that the guilty person is not considering innocent. The guilty party is only responsible for the breach of the law.

Even if there is a broad and unrestricted amnesty granted to those who have broken the law, the culprit will not be considering innocent. Amnesty releases the guilty from the penalty, but the guilty will always be guilty under the law: there is no way to declare a justified amnesty.

Imputing another’s justice to the guilty does not make him innocent;

So true is this truth, that such a view cannot resist the following verses: “The son will not take the father’s iniquity, nor the father will take the son’s iniquity. The righteousness of the righteous will rest on him and the wickedness of the wicked will fall on him” (Eze 18:20).

There is no way to input the righteousness of the just to the wicked, because divine determination is the wicked alone have their wickedness and the righteousness of the righteous alone.

What is Justification?

Justification is neither forensic nor a judicial act of God, for which He forgives, exempts or treats man, who is not just, as if he were just. Now, if God treated an unjust as if he were just, he would actually be committing injustice. If God declared a sinner to be righteous, we would have a fictitious, imaginary statement, because God would be declaring something untrue about man.

What is Justification?

 “For he who is dead is justified from sin” (Rom. 6: 7)


Theological definitions

It is common for theology to treat the doctrine of justification as a matter of forensic order, hence the expressions ‘God’s judicial act’, ‘divine recognition act’, ‘announce justice’, etc., in the definitions about the justification theme.

For Scofield, although justified, the believer is still a sinner. God recognizes and treats the believer as being righteous, however, this does not mean that God makes someone righteous.

“The believing sinner is justified, that is, treated as righteous (…) Justification is an act of divine recognition and does not mean making a person righteous …” Scofield Bible with References, Rom. 3:28.

For Charles C. Ryrie to justify means:

“Declare that someone is fair. Both the Hebrew (sadaq) and Greek (dikaioõ) words mean ‘announce’ or ‘pronounce’ a favorable verdict, declaring someone fair. This concept does not imply making someone just, but just announcing justice ”Ryrie, Charles Caldwel, Basic Theology – Available to everyone, translated by Jarbas Aragão – São Paulo: Christian World, 2004, p. 345.

George Eldon Ladd understands justification from the Greek term dikaioõ, as:

“‘ Declare fair ’, not making it fair’. As we will see, the main idea, in justification, is the declaration of God, the just judge, that the man who believes in Christ, although he may be a sinner, is just – he is seen as being just, because, in Christ, he arrived to a just relationship with God ”Ladd, George Eldon, New Testament Theology, translated by Darci Dusilek and Jussara M. Pinto, 1. Ed – São Paulo: Exodus, 97, p. 409.

Justification is neither forensic nor a judicial act by God for which He forgives, exempts and treats the man who is not just as if he were just. Now, if God treated an unjust as if he were just, he would actually be committing injustice. If God declared a sinner to be righteous, we would have a fictitious, imaginary statement, because God would be declaring something untrue about man.

The essence of the doctrine of justification is that God creates a new man in true justice and holiness and declares him to be just because that new man is actually just. God does not work with a fictitious, imaginary justice, to the point of treating as just the one who is not really just.

For reform theologians, justification is a judicial act of God without any change in their life, that is, God does not change the condition of man. There lies the deception, for God only justifies those who are born again (John 3: 3). Now, if man is again begotten according to God, this means that God changed the condition of man (1 Peter 1: 3 and 23).

The condition of the believer is completely different from when he did not believe in Christ. Before believing, man is subject to the power of darkness and, after believing, he is transported to the kingdom of the Son of his love “Who brought us out of the power of darkness, and transported us to the kingdom of the Son of his love” (Cl 1 : 13). When in the power of darkness man was alive to sin, therefore, he will never be declared righteous, but the dead to sin are justified from sin.

Now, the legal systems that we find in the courts deal with issues and relationships that have materiality among the living, whereas the doctrine of justification does not involve forensic principles, because only those who are dead to sin are justified from sin!

The Bible demonstrates that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by the grace of God revealed in Christ Jesus. To be saved by the grace of God is the same as to be saved through faith, for Jesus is the manifest faith (Gal 3:23). Jesus is the firm foundation on which man has complete trust in God and is justified (Heb 11: 1; 2 Cor 3: 4; Col 1:22).

Daniel B. Pecota stated that:

“Faith is never the foundation of justification. The New Testament never claims that justification is dia pistin (“in exchange for faith”), but always pisteos dia, (“through faith”) “.

Now, if we understand that Christ is the faith that was to be manifested, it follows that Christ (faith) was, is and always will be the foundation of justification. The confusion between ‘dia pistin’ (trust in the truth) and ‘dia pisteos’ (the truth itself) is due to a poor reading of the biblical passages, since Christ is the firm foundation on which men who believe become pleasing to God , because justification is through Christ (pisteos day).

The biggest problem with the reformers’ doctrine of justification is in trying to dissociate the doctrine of justification from the doctrine of regeneration. Without regeneration, there is no justification and there is no justification apart from regeneration. When man is made according to flesh and blood, there is God’s verdict: guilty, because this is the condition of man-made according to flesh (John 1:12). However, when man is generated again (regenerated), the verdict that God gives is justified, because the person is actually just.


Condemnation in Adam

The first step in understanding the doctrine of justification is to understand that all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). This means that, because of Adam’s offense, all men together, when on Adam’s ‘thigh’, became unclean and dead to God (Ps 53: 3; Ps 14: 3). After Adam’s offense, all of his descendants began to live for sin and were dead (alienated, separated) to God.

In speaking of this condition inherited from Adam, the apostle Paul said that all men (Jews and Gentiles) were by nature children of wrath (Eph. 2: 3). Why children of wrath? Because they were children of Adam’s disobedience “Let no one deceive you with empty words; because of these things the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience”(Eph. 5: 6).

Because of Adam’s offense sin entered the world, and because of his disobedience all men are sinners “Therefore, as sin entered the world through sin, and death through sin, so death passed on to all that is why all have sinned ”(Rom. 5:12).

All men born according to the flesh are sinners because Adam’s condemnation (death) passed to all his descendants.

Many are unaware that men are sinners because of the condemnation inherited from Adam, and consider that men are sinners because of behavioral issues arising from the knowledge of good and evil.

It is necessary to see Adam’s offense well from the knowledge acquired from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. While the knowledge of good and evil was not what separated man from God (sin), because God knows good and evil (Gen. 3:22), disobedience brought sin (division, separation, alienation) by cause of the law that said: you will surely die (Gen. 2:17).

Sin proved to be excessively evil because through holy, just and good law sin dominated and killed man (Rom. 7:13). Without the penalty of the law: ‘you will surely die’, sin would have no power to dominate man, but through the power of the law (you will certainly die) sin found occasion and killed man (Rom. 7:11). The law given in Eden was holy, just and good because it warned man of the consequences of disobedience (you will not eat of it, for the day you eat of it, you will surely die).

Because of offense, men are formed in iniquity and conceived in sin:  (Ps 51: 5). From the mother (from the beginning) men turn away from God (Ps 58: 3), the best of men is comparable to a thorn, and the straightest to a fence made of thorns (Mk 7: 4). It is because of Adam’s offense that the verdict was hearding: guilty! (Rom 3:23)

Hence Job’s question: “Who can bring the pure out of the unclean? No one”(Job 14: 4). However, what is impossible with men is possible with God, because He has the power to make everything new: “Jesus, however, looking at them, said: For men it is impossible, but not for God, because for God all things are possible” (Mark 10:27).

Justification is God’s answer to the most important of all human questions: How can a person become acceptable before God? The answer is clear in the New Testament, especially in the following order of Jesus Christ: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who is not born again cannot see the kingdom of God(John 3: 3). It is necessary to be born of water and the Spirit, for what is born of the flesh is carnal, but those born of the Spirit are spiritual (Rom. 8: 1).

The problem of the separation between God and men (sin) stems from natural birth (1Co 15:22), and not from the behavior of men. Sin was relateding to man’s fallen nature, and not to his behavior in society.

The solution to the condemnation that man achieves in justification in Christ comes from the power of God, and not from a judicial act. First, because it was enough for man to disobey the Creator for the judgment of condemnation to be established: the death (separation) of all men (Rom. 5:18). Second, because when Jesus calls men to take up his own cross, he makes it clear that in order to be reconciled between God and men it is necessary to suffer the penalty imposed: death. In death with Christ justice is satisfied, because the penalty is nothing more than the person of the transgressor is (Mt 10:38; 1Co 15:36; 2Co 4:14).

When a paraplegic man was placed in front of Jesus, He said: “Now that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins (he said to the paralytic), I say to you, Arise, take your bed, and go to your house” (Mk 2:10 -11). This line from Jesus demonstrates that the classic passage from Romans 3, verses 21 to 25 on justification does not involve forensic concepts.

Forgiving sins is not a legal demand; it is a question of power! Only those who have power over clay can forgive sins to make vessels of honor out of the same mass (Rom 9:21). That is why the apostle Paul was not ashamed of the gospel, for the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes (Rom. 1:16).

In talking about this issue with Job, God makes it clear that, for man to be able to declare himself righteous, it would be necessary to have arms like God’s and to thunder like the Most High. It would be necessary to dress up in glory and splendor and to dress in honor and majesty. He should be able to pour out his wrath by crushing the wicked in his place. Only by meeting all the requirements listed above would it be possible for man to save himself, (Job 40: 8-14).

However, since man does not have this power described by God, he will never be able to declare himself righteous or save himself.

The Son of man, Jesus Christ, on the other hand, can declare man righteous, because He Himself clothed himself with glory and majesty by returning to glory with the Father “And now, Father, glorify me with yourself, with that glory that I had with you before the world existed ” (John 17: 5); “Gird your sword to your thigh, O mighty one, with your glory and your majesty” (Ps 45: 3).


Fair judge

The second step in understanding the doctrine of justification is to understand that there is no way for God to declare those who are condemned free from guilt. Just God cannot let the penalty imposed on wrongdoers be applied to them.

God never declares (justifies) righteous the one who is wicked “You will turn away from false words, and you will not kill the innocent and the righteous; for I will not justify the wicked “(Ex 23: 7).

God never treats the wicked as if he were just “Far be it from you to do such a thing, to kill the righteous with the wicked; let the righteous be like the wicked, far from you. Would not the Judge of all the earth do justice? ” (Gen. 18:25).

God will never make sure that the penalty imposed on the offender is giving to another, as it reads, “The soul that sins, it will die; the son will not take the father’s iniquity, nor the father will take the son’s iniquity. The righteousness of the righteous will rest on him and the wickedness of the wicked will fall on him” (Eze 18:20).

When Jesus told Nicodemus that it is necessary for man to be born again, all the above questions were considering, as Jesus well knew that God never declares those born according to the flesh of Adam free from guilt.

When natural birth, man was madding a sinner, a vessel to be discouraged, therefore, a child of wrath and disobedience. To declare man free from sin, he must first die, because if he does not die he will never be able to live for God “Because he who is dead is justified Of sin” (Rom. 6: 7); “Foolish! What you sow is not quickened unless you die first” (1Co 15:36).

Christ died for sinners – the just for the unjust – but whoever does not eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ will not have life in himself, that is, it is essential for man to be a participant in the death of Christ

“Because Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, to lead us to God; mortified, indeed, in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit” (1Pe 3:18);

“Jesus therefore said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you will have no life in yourself” (John 6:53).

Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ is the same as believing in Him (John 6:35, 47). Believing in Christ is the same as being crucifying with Him.

Anyone who believes is buried with Him and stops living for sin and starts living for God

“I am already crucified with Christ; and I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself up for me” (Gal 2:20; Rom. 6: 4).

The man who believes in Christ admits that he is guilty of death because of Adam’s offense. It implicitly admits that God is just when he speaks and is pure when he judges Adam’s descendants as guilty (Ps 51: 4). He admits that only Christ has the power to create a new man by resurrecting from the dead, so that the one who is burieding with Him resurrects a new creature.


New man in Christ

The last step in understanding justification is to understand that from the new birth comes a new creature created in true justice and holiness “So, if anyone is in Christ, a new creature is; old things are gone; behold, everything has become new” (2Co 5:17; Eph 4:24). This new creature is declareding righteous because effectively God created it again just and blameless before Him.

The man who believes in Christ is created a new partaker of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1: 4), for the old man was crucified and the body that belonged to sin undone. After being burieding with Christ in the likeness of his death, man resurrects a new creature “Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, so that the body of sin may be undone, so that we no longer serve sin” (Rom 6: 6).

Through the gospel, God not only declares man righteous, but also creates the new essentially righteous man. Unlike what Dr. Scofield claims, that God only declares the sinner righteous, but does not make him righteous.

The Bible states that God creates the new man in true justice and holiness (Eph 4:24), therefore, Justification comes from a creative act of God, whereby the new man is created a participant in the divine nature. Biblical justification refers to the condition of those who are generating a new through the truth of the gospel (faith): free from guilt or condemnation.

Don´t condemnation for those who are in Christ.

Why is there no condemnation?

The answer lies in the fact that staff ‘is in Christ’, because those who are in Christ are new creatures.  “THEREFORE, now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom 8: 1),“So, if anyone is in Christ, a new creature is; old things are gone; behold, everything has become new ”(2Co 5:17).

The justification stems from the new condition of those who are in Christ, because to be in Christ is to be a new creature “And if Christ is in you, the body is actually dead because of sin, but the spirit lives because of justice. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit who dwells in you ”(Rom. 8:10-11).

Give the question of the apostle Paul: “For if we, who seek to be justified in Christ, we too are found to be sinners, is Christ the minister of sin? Not at all”(Gal 2:17). Now Christ is a minister of righteousness, and in no way a minister of sin, therefore, he who is justified by Christ is not found to be a sinner, for he is dead to sin “For he who is dead is justified from sin” (Rom. 6: 7).

When the apostle Paul says: God justifies them! “Who will bring an accusation against God’s chosen ones? It is God who justifies them ”(Rom. 8:33), he was quite sure that it was not a forensic issue, because in a court he only declares what it is, since they do not have the power to change the condition of those who appear before the judges.

When he say that God who justifies.  the apostle Paul affirms the power of God that creates a new man.

God declares man righteous because there is no condemnation for those who are new creatures. God did not transfer the condition of the old man to Christ, but the old man was crucified and undone, so that from the dead new creatures arose who are seated with Christ for the glory of God the Father, and no condemnation weighs on them.

Christians are declareding righteous because they have been madding righteous (dikaioõ) by the power that is in the gospel, by which man is a participant in the body of Christ, because he died and rose again with Christ as a holy, blameless and blameless “In the body of his flesh, by death, to present you holy and blameless and blameless “before him” (Col 1:22; Eph 2: 6; Col 3: 1).

When Paul says: “Because you are already dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Col 3: 3), it means that the Christian is justified from sin, that is, dead to sin (Rom. 6: 1 – 11), and I live for God “So we were buried with him by baptism in death; so that, as Christ was raised from the dead, by the glory of the Father, so may we also walk in newness of life ”(Rom. 6: 4).

Jesus was delivering by God to die because of the sin of humanity, because it is necessary for men to die to sin in order to live for God. That is why Christ Jesus rose, so that those who rise with Him may be declareding righteous. Without dying there is no resurrection, without resurrection there is no justification “Who was delivered for our sins, and rose for our justification” (Rom. 4:25).

God is just and justifying

It is common ground among some theologians that God declares man ‘as if he were’ just by means of faith in Christ, that is, they have made a reservation. For some and among them we highlight Dr. Scofield, ‘God declares the sinner to be righteous’, that is, he claims that God ‘doesn’t make man righteous’.

God is just and justifying

The word ‘justification’ (Dikaiosis) when used by the apostle Paul refers to what is true, in the same way that the psalmist David uses the word ‘justification’ (hitsdik) to refer to God because He is truly just.

The apostle Paul uses a Greek word that has the same meaning as the Hebrew word ‘justification’ to refer to Christians because they are truly just “… so you are justified when you speak …” (Rom. 3: 4; Ps 51: 4) . Those who believe are again createding in a new and specific condition: true justice and holiness (Eph 4:24).

The terms used in the New Testament for justification, in Greek, are Dikaios (just); Dikaiosis (justification, defense, claiming a right), and; Dikaioo (to have or recognize as fair). In the Old Testament the term is hitsdik, which means to declare in court that someone complies with the law (Ex 23: 7; Deut 25: 1; Prov 17:15; Is 5:23).When God declares that man is just, that is, he justifies, he declares what is true, because God cannot lie.

Why the above statement? Because it is establishing among, some theologians that God declares staff ‘as if he were’ just by means of faith in Christ, that is, he makes a reservation. For some and among them we highlight Dr. Scofield, ‘God declares the sinner to be righteous’, that is, he categorically affirms that God ‘does not make man righteous’.

“The believing sinner is justified, that is, treated as righteous (…) Justification is an act of divine recognition and does not mean making a person righteous…” Scofield Bible with References, Rom. 3:28, p. 1147.

Now, God would never declare that man is just, since he is not actually in the condition of just. It is inconceivable that God should declare and treat as righteous that which He does not make righteous. How could God recognize something that is not like it is?

We know that God has the power to call things that are not as though they were (Rom. 4:16), but He would never declare the sinner to be righteous. Fair; for I will not justify the wicked” (Ex 23: 7).

If God does not justify the wicked, how is it possible for the sinner to be declareding righteous?

The apostle Paul rightly stated that “the justified of sin is dead” (Rom. 6: 2-7). If the first proposition is true, the second is also true, since the second depends on the first.

In this way, the word ‘justified’ translates a true idea, since everyone who believed died with Christ.

When the apostle Paul uses the word ‘justification’, he has in mind something that is true, that is, the one who is dead is fully justified from sin!

If the old man was crucified with Christ, who is justified (declared righteous) by God?

We know that Christ was delivering because of the sins of humanity and that when they believe in Him, they die and are burieding.

We know that Jesus rose from the dead, and that with Him those who believed rose Therefore, if you have already risen with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Col 3: 1) .

The ‘justification’ (righteous declaration) falls on the new man who rises with Christ from the dead. Only the new creature is declareding just before God, for it was createding anew in true justice and holiness.

The sinner will never be declareding righteous, for the old man, who is the sinner, will be crucifying with Christ “For we know this, that our old man was crucified with him …” (Rom. 6: 6).

The sinner will never be justified before God, but dies through the cross of Christ.

The sinner who accepts Christ’s sacrifice through faith (gospel) dies together with Him, and when he rises, a new creature (created) according to God resurrects in true justice and holiness. This new man is declareding just before God.

The words translated ‘justify’ and ‘justification’ mean ‘make fair’, ‘do fair’, ‘declare fair’, ‘declare straight’ or ‘declare free from guilt and deserving of punishment’. When God creates the new man in true justice and holiness, he performs all the actions described in the verbs above.

Only the one who is createding just can receive this declaration from God, that is, only the new man, created according to God can receive the declaration from God: he is just.

“And put on the new man, who according to God is created in true justice and holiness…” (Eph 4:24).

The new man created by God, through Christ Jesus, that is, who rose from the dead, is created in true justice and holiness, so when God declares him righteous, he speaks of what is true, of a full and effective condition today.

“He was delivered for our sins, and was raised for our justification” (Rom. 4:25);

“… Because he who is dead is justified from sin” (Rom. 6: 7)

Looking at these two verses: it is clear that Jesus was delivering because of the sin of sinners (if humanity had not sinned, there would be no need for Christ to die), and by dying with Him, God’s justice is fulfilling since the sinner receives what God’s justice determines: death.

Then, the one who is dead is, begotten from God and rises to the glory of God the Father, since those who believe rise with Christ. In this way he is justified, or declared righteous, for to that end Christ rose from the dead: ‘he rose for our justification’ (Rom. 4:25).

If one does not accept the argument that Christians are indeed righteous, one must also conclude that Christ did not rise. If Christ arose, it is a fact that Christians arose with Him, and are declareding righteous.

When the old man dies with Christ, God is just. When God creates the new man, He is the justifier. Without any contradiction: He is just and justifying.

The Bible says that all who believe in Jesus are giving power to be madding (created), children of God. The old man was crucifying, killed, buried, and a new man emerges from the dead. This new man is declareding fair.

Paul expressed that “he who is dead to sin is just before God” because the condition of being dead to sin is the same as being “alive” to God. He who is created anew through the gospel, which is the power of God for everyone who believes, is justified (declared righteous), for he is a new creature created in true justice and holiness.

For this, very Paul declares, “Who for our sins was delivered, and rose for our justification” (Rom. 4:25).

The man who is declareding righteous before God is not the one who died, but the one who rose from the dead, that is, the new creature generated again in Christ.

When the apostle Paul says that he who is dead is justified from sin, he has the idea of ​​the following verse in mind:

“For it is Christ who died, or rather, who rose from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, and also intercede for us ”(Rom. 8:34).

Whoever is dead to sin, (or rather) who has risen with Christ has been justified, that is, declared righteous before God.

Some think that the declaration of justice on the part of God will be effective in the future, and that, in the present, man only has a declaration of what will happen later. Justification is not so.

“Justification is a declaration by God regarding the condition of the new creature before Him

All who believe are empowered to become children of God, children born not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man or blood? These are born of the Spirit, created according to God in true Justice and Holiness (John 1:12 -13).

Since only those who are born in righteousness and holiness are true, they are declared righteous before God (Eph 4:24). God is the justifier of those who believe in Christ.

The psalmist could only recognize his mistakes as a way of declaring God’s justice. Any man cannot go beyond what the psalmist did.

However, before declaring the man righteous, God does something extraordinary: the predetermined penalty is applied to the guilty (death), generates a new creature through his power (the gospel), and declares the new man righteous before Him. .

Through justification, the manifold wisdom of God becomes knowing among principalities and powers!

Certainty of salvation and daily doubts

“If it behooves me to boast, I will boast with regard to my weakness.” (2 Corinthians 11:30).


The prophet John the Baptist was in prison, and he heard through his disciples the fame of Jesus that spread throughout all regions. Without understanding what was happening, John the Baptist sent his disciples to the Lord Jesus to ask the following question:

– “Are you the one who was to come, or are we waiting for another one?” (Matthew 11.3; Luke 7.19).

The prophet of the Judean desert, who emphasized that he was not the Christ, but who, when he saw Jesus of Nazareth pass by, was categorical when he confessed: – “Here is the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the dumb” (John 1:29), at that moment he needed an answer.

In the face of so much criticism and opposition to the Masters of the masters by followers of the different branches of Judaism, as well as the leadership of the Hebrews under Roman rule, John the Baptist were overcome by some doubts. He could have asked his disciples what they thought about Jesus, but John the Baptist would flagrantly contradict the Scriptures, and so he had to send his disciples to ask the Master teacher directly.

“Do not believe your friend, nor trust your guide; of the one that rests in your bosom, keep the doors of your mouth. Because the son despises the father, the daughter stands up against his mother, the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law; the man’s enemies are those of his own house. ” (Micah 7.4-5);

“Keep yourselves from your neighbor, and do not rely on any brother; because every brother does nothing but cheat, and everyone else is slandering. In addition, each one will mock his neighbor, and they do not speak the truth; they teach their language to speak the lie, they get tired of proceeding wickedly. ” (Jeremiah 9: 4-5).

Christ, our high priest, who sympathizes with our weaknesses, did not recriminate John the Baptist for the question, but gave an answer to the height of the one who asked, quoting from the Scriptures:

“Go, and announce to John the things that you hear and see: The blind see, and the lame walk; lepers are clean, and deaf people listen; the dead are raised, and the gospel is announced to the poor. ” (Matthew 11: 4-5);

“Because we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses; but one who, like us, was tempted in everything, but without sin. ” (Hebrews 4:15).

In the same way that John the Baptist announced the kingdom of heaven quoting the Scriptures, Jesus responded by showing the miracles that were performed, and remembered that the foretold in the Scriptures was fulfilling, the good news was announced to the poor!

“O YOU, all who are thirsty, come to the waters, and those who have no money, come, buy, and eat; yes, come, buy, without money and without price, wine and milk.” (Isaiah 55: 1).

Another character worth mentioning is the disciple Peter, who before Jesus’ arrest was willing to defend his Master, even if it cost him his life. When they went to arrest the Master, Peter drew his sword and cut the ear of one of the servants of the high priest, Malcom, confident in everything he saw Jesus accomplish. The word that Peter had committed was standing, even in the face of an impending battle:

“Peter said to him: Although I must die with you, I will not deny you. And all the disciples said the same things.” (Matthew 26.35);

“But he said more vehemently: Although it is necessary for me to die with you, I will in no way deny you. In addition, so did everyone else. ” (Mark 14:31).

When the disciples saw that they were going to arrest Jesus, they still asked:

“And when those who were with him saw what was going to happen, they said to him, Lord, will we strike with the sword?” (Luke 22.49).

The question: – ‘Lord, will we strike with the sword?’ Awaited a solution of the conflict with some supernatural action. Peter stepped forward, and cut off the ear of one of the servants of the high priest, and was at a loss to understand what Jesus intended when he ordered him to keep the sword and were reprimands for the consequences of using the sword.

“Then Jesus said to him, Sheathe your sword; for all who use the sword will die by the sword. Alternatively, do you think that I could not now pray to my Father, and that he would not give me more than twelve legions of angels? How, then, would the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it should be so? ” (Matthew 26: 52-54);

“But Jesus said to Peter, Put your sword in its sheath; will I not drink the cup that the Father gave me?” (John 18.11).

The disciple John were known to the high priest Caiaphas, and entered where Jesus was imprisoned. Upon realizing that Pedro cannot enter the room and was posting at the door outside, John went to him, spoke to the door attendant of the room, and brought him inside, when Pedro was asking by the door attendant – ‘It is not you too of this man’s disciples? ‘(John 18:17).

Pedro’s answer was a negative! What a contradiction. A little while ago, Peter was willing to die for Jesus, and now, he was denying that he was one of his disciples. How can this be?

Peter was willing to die for Jesus who multiplied bread, healed his mother-in-law, walked on the sea, healed lepers, blind, lame, etc., a man who performed countless supernatural actions, but was not ready to remain faithful to the Jesus who had mission to fulfill what the Father foresees in the Scriptures.

How many Christians in our day who, like Peter, chose to believe in a Jesus they idealized, but are not able to believe in Jesus as the Scriptures saing.

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from their womb.” (John 7.38).

If the Christian does not believe in Jesus according to the Scriptures, but in a Jesus who idealized, eventually he will be scandalized.

“But Peter, answering, said to him: Although everyone is scandalize you, I will never be scandalized.” (Matthew 26.33);

“And blessed is he who is not scandalized in me.” (Matthew 11: 6).


Certainty of salvation and the vicissitudes of life

The prophet Habakkuk saw the apostasy of his people, and after denouncing and demanding measures from the Creator, God announced that he was raising the Chaldeans, a strange people, who would being used as a correction rod for the children of Israel (Habakkuk 1.5).

After understanding the word of God, the prophet Habakkuk prayed that God would do his work and make it known in the middle of the years, but that, in carrying out His wrath, he would remember mercy (Habakkuk 3.1-2).

Despite the impending invasion of the Chaldeans and the exile approaching their people, Habakkuk were resting (confident in God), and burst into praise:

“When I heard it, my belly was moved, my lips trembled at his voice; rot came into my bones, and I shuddered within myself; in the day of trouble I will rest, when I go up against the people who will invade with their troops. Because even though the fig tree does not bloom, there is no fruit in the vine; even if the product of the olive tree is disappointing, and the fields do not produce food; although the spotted sheep are snatched, and there are no cattle in the pens; Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. ” (Habakkuk 3: 16-18);

“Are they ashamed of committing an abomination? No; in no way are they ashamed, nor do they know what it is to be ashamed of; therefore they will fall among those who fall and stumble at the time when I visit them, says the Lord. I will certainly catch them, says the Lord; there are no more grapes in the vine, nor figs in the fig tree, and even the leaf has fallen; and what I have given you will pass away from them. ” (Jeremiah 8: 12-13).

Is it possible to rejoice in God on the day of calamity? Yes! The Pauline recommendation is: ‘In all of that thanks’!

“In everything give thanks, because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5.18).

Because of Israel’s apostasy, evil was already determined. But, as Habakkuk knew of God’s care for his people by virtue of the promise made to parents, even on the day of anguish, he would remain confident.

“So, as for the gospel, they are enemies because of you; but as for the election, loved because of their parents.” (Romans 11:28).

If the fig tree did not give flowers, the vine became fruitless, the olive tree did not show its fruits and the field became sterile, the prophet’s joy was in God.

A Christian couple who lose their child; the sister who loses her husband; the believer who is unemployed; the young Christian who does not pass college; the Christian business man who had his bankruptcy decreed, etc., are negative events that all Christians are subject to, but, is it possible for the Christian to remain confident in God after these events? If you know the Scriptures, no doubt, and you will still rejoice in Christ, our Savior.

Jesus warned his followers, saying:

“I have told you this, that you may have peace in me; in the world you will have afflictions, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

One thing is certain in this life: we will have afflictions! However, why did Jesus say that? Why didn’t he make a promise that he would remove all evil? Because Jesus could not go against what was establish by the Father in the Scriptures:

“And Adam said, because you have listened to your wife’s voice, and you have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, you shall not eat of it, cursed is the land because of you; with pain you will eat it every day of your life. Thorns, and thistles too, will produce you; and you will eat the grass of the field. In the sweat of your face, you shall eat your bread, until you return to the earth; because you have being take from it; because you are dust and in dust, you will become. ” (Genesis 3: 17-19).

Moreover, why did Jesus anticipate Christians who would have afflictions? So that the believer in Christ would have peace! This means that if any vicissitude reaches the believer, who must not believe that he is in sin, that he is not in communion, that he is at fault, that he must make a sacrifice, that he must make a vow, etc. Stay in peace, stay calm, it is not punishment!

Even in the face of afflictions, be of good cheer. Christ overcame the world, so be at peace, for everyone who is born of God overcomes the world too! Moreover, what is the victory of the Christian who conquers the world: Christ, our belief, therefore, our faith?

“Because everyone who is born of God conquers the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith.” (1 John 5.4).

– ‘Does God love me, if I am suffering so much?’ Yes. God loves you, just as He loved all humanity. God has no one in preference, who can love especially.

One, who, in the eyes of many, is not experiencing setbacks in life, does not mean that God loves him more than God loves another who has suffered or suffers a setback. God does not love someone rich more than someone who was born poor, or a poor person at the expense of a rich person.

God loves you because He gave His only Son to die as a ransom for many, including you.

“This shows the love of God towards us: that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world, so that we may live by him.” (1 John 4.9).

– ‘There are, now I’m employed, God loves me’; – ‘I got my own house, God takes care of me’. Yes! God cares for you just as much as He cares for those who have no home or are unemployed.

“I turned around, and I saw under the sun that the race is not for the light, the battle is not for the strong, nor bread for the wise, nor wealth for the prudent, nor the favor for the wise, but that time and the opportunity occurs to everyone.” (Ecclesiastes 9.11);

“… That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven; Because it causes your sun to rise over the bad and the good, and the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. ” (Matthew 5: 44-45).

It is a sad mistake to think that a life achievement was relating to the love of God, because the love of God is in obeying his commandments.

“For this is the love of God: that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5.3).

“But whoever keeps his word, God’s love is truly perfected in him; hereby we know that we are in it.” (1 John 2.5)

Who is sure of salvation in Christ will only have emotions and will feel feelings of security, joy and care? Evidently not! The apostle Paul ended his career convinced that he fought a good fight and that he was in possession of the faith (gospel), and knew that he sooner be killing.

Early in his career, the apostle Paul, when the ruler who ruled under King Aresta in Damascus pursued him, was put in a basket and descending from the wall to escape. The feeling, the emotion, the sensation, etc., of who is on the run is not pleasant. Did this mean that God was not like the apostle Paul? Evidently not!

How many Christians in crisis as to the hope of salvation! They doubt their salvation when they do not feel emotionally well. They doubt the love that God has for us when he does not feel successful in life. They doubt that they are cleansing by the word of Christ when the marriage is not going well. They doubt communion with God when in the solemn gathering the emotions do not arise during a hymn, preaching, conference, etc.

God did not tie his love to human emotions, to have them under control if he wants to be saving the promise of salvation is not teeing to our feelings, but to the power of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.

“But you are the chosen generation, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, the acquired people, that you may announce the virtues of him who called you from darkness to his wonderful light;” (1 Peter 2.9);

“Seen as his divine power gave us everything that concerns life and piety, through the knowledge of the one who called us by his glory and virtue;” (2 Peter 1.3).

The believer must have the faithful One who promised, and the promise He made was of eternal life.

“And this is the promise he made to us: eternal life.” (1 John 2.25);

“If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful; you cannot deny yourself.” (2 Timothy 2.13);

“Faithful is the one who calls you, who will also do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5.24);

“But the Lord is faithful, who will confirm you and keep you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3.3).

The apostle Paul is clear: nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus!

“Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or the sword? As it is writing: For your sake, we are puting to death all day long; we are reputed as sheep for the slaughterhouse. However, in all these things we are more than winners are, for the one who loved us. Because I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor the present, nor the future, nor the height, nor the depth, nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ” (Romans 8.35-39).

Nothing can separate the believer from God. This is security in terms of salvation. In the list listed by the apostle Paul, only the individual does not appear, because just like Adam, only the individual can separate himself from God.

“See, brethren, that there is never an evil and unfaithful heart in any of you, to depart from the living God.” (Hebrews 3:12).


Assurance of salvation and the joys of life

When they were on their way to Baalah from Kiriath-Jearim, which is in Judah, to raise the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, King David and the people were just joy. They celebrated with all sorts of musical instruments.

“And David, and the whole house of Israel, were celebrating before the LORD, with all sorts of beech instruments, as well as with harps, and with psalters, and with tambourines, and with tambourines, and cymbals.” (2 Samuel 6.5).

However, joy is not evidence of subjection to God. A solemn gathering in ecstasy is not synonymous with subjection to God. God does not respect the joy of men, not even the joy of his chosen ones.

While he was on his way to Jerusalem, leading the Ark of the Covenant on an ox cart and one of the cart drivers reached out to support the ark, as the oxen stumbled, and God killed him.

At that moment, David was overcoming with sadness and feared God, saying:

– “How will I bring the ark of God to me?” (1 Chronicles 13.12).

God had determined that the Ark of the Covenant could only be carrying on the shoulders of the Levites, through the rods contained in the ark.

“And the children of the Levites carried the ark of God on their shoulders, by the poles that were in it, as Moses had commanded according to the word of the LORD.” (1 Chronicles 15.15).

Despite the great joy, David and the people did not seek the Lord God according to his word. They did not bother to research, find out, reading the law, how they should lead the ark, and followed the perception of their deceitful hearts.

“Because you did not take it the first time, the LORD our God has broken us, because we have not sought him according to the ordinance.” (1 Chronicles 15:13).

The priests perhaps thought – ‘David, a man after God’s own heart, knows what he is doing’. David, being king, must have thought:- ‘The priests know what they are doing’. The people, in turn, perhaps thought – ‘King David and the priests analyzed how they would bring the Ark of the Covenant’, but no one was God-fearing in checking the Scriptures.

When they lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines in battle, it was already for the children of Israel to have learned the lesson of fearing God according to his commandment.

Reviewing the story, the children of Israel were severely killing in battle, and in one day lost approximately 4,000 soldiers. When the elders gathered in the camp, they wondered why God was wounding the children of Israel in battle at the hands of the Philistines, and instead of checking the Scriptures for God’s will, they decided to seek the ark of the covenant and bring it to the war (1 Samuel 4.3).

When the Ark of the Covenant arrived from Shiloh in the camp, the children of Israel rejoiced with a loud voice, so much so that the uproar was hearding in the Philistine camp. When the Philistines heard the screams, they were afraid, because they remembered the defeat that the children inflicted on Egypt, and they set out to fight bravely not to be defeated. The other day, the children of Israel were defeated. 30,000 men were lost, the Ark of the Covenant was taking God honors and keeps his word, but he has no commitment to anyone’s belief. The faith that the children of Israel placed in the ark cannot free them. Believing that bringing the Ark of the Covenant into battle would compel God to intervene in the battle for Israel is akin to believing in Santa Claus, fairy, unicorn, elf, etc.

In our day, many believe in miracles, in the impossible, in dreams, in purpose, etc., just as the children of Israel believed that the Ark of the Covenant in the middle of the battle was a guarantee of victory. If the original ark did not deliver Jacob’s descendants, is it possible for a replica of the ark of the covenant to have any effect?

“Therefore, saith the Lord God of Israel, I had indeed said that your house and your father’s house would walk before me forever; but now the Lord says, far be it from me, for I will honor those who honor me, but those who despise me will be despised.” (1 Samuel 2:30).

Joy, shouting, jubilation, unity of designo, believing with all your might, etc., does not touch God to serve men. Solemn meetings (services) and their liturgies do not make man pleasing to God, except Christ, the author and finisher of the faith, the manifest faith, the faith that was given to those who believe, which is the firm foundation of things that seen, but what is expected: the salvation of the soul (Jude 1.3; Philippians 1.27; Galatians 3.24; Hebrews 11.1).

The atmosphere of joy and fellowship pertinent to the early church enveloped Ananias and Sapphira. People who believed in the gospel began to give up the things they owned, and donated to the apostles, who redistributed the proceeds according to the needs of each one. Upon seeing that Barnabas sold an estate and brought the value and left it to the apostles, Ananias and Sapphira sold a property and decided to donate part, claiming that they were donating the total value of the property. They both died!

“Wasn’t keeping it for you? Moreover, after sold, was not it with you? Why did you design this design in your heart? You did not lie to men, but to God. ” (Acts 5.4).

Wanting to be a participant in the fellowship of the apostles as if he were a member of a club, an association or a philanthropic entity, aiming only at social prestige, resulted in death for both. After centuries, no one has had his life cut off like Ananias and Sapphira because they are part of so-called Christian communities, but which have no connection with the doctrine of the apostles and prophets: the church of Christ.

“Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, that Jesus Christ is the main cornerstone;” (Ephesians 2.20);

“What we have seen and heard, we announce to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and our communion is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1.3).and Eli’s two sons, Hofni and Phinehas were killed.


Sincere heart, in full assurance of faith

The saved in Christ is a man of faith! How to understand this assertion?

When it was saying that the righteous would live on faith, many Christians doubt salvation in Christ because they have doubts about the issues of this world, such as – ” Will I marry? ‘; – ‘Will I set up a business’? – ‘Will it work?’; – ‘Will this investment pay off?’, Etc.

Others feel embarrassed or weak when asked to demonstrate their faith. – ‘If you are a man of faith, make a contribution’; – ‘Take a vow of faith’; – ‘Put God against the wall, and show that you are a man of faith’, etc.

The doubts, the questions, the uncertainties of life are inherent to human nature. God created you like this, and those characteristics will never be taking away, even in those saved in Christ.

The uncertainties of life have a purpose well defined by God, since the days of adversity are opposed to the days of calm, so that it is impossible for man to discover what tomorrow will be like.

“On the day of prosperity you enjoy good, but on the day of adversity you consider; because God also did this in opposition to that, so that man will discover nothing of what is to come after him.” (Ecclesiastes 7.14).

We must remember that the same doubts and uncertainties that startle us also affect all men, because everything happens equally to everyone.

“Everything happens equally to everyone; the same is true of the just and the wicked, the good and the pure, as the impure; so to those who sacrifice as to those who do not; so to the good as to the sinner; to the one who swears and the one who fears the oath. ” (Ecclesiastes 9.2).

There is no way to addict your luck before God with sacrifices, offerings, prayers, fasts, etc. God does not allow himself to be bribing and will never respect people. Luck will always be the same for all men.

However, in relation to salvation, there is no way to remain in doubt, afraid, fearful, etc., because the Lord is powerful to save and it was He who proposing to save men through the gospel.

As the Jews considered the gospel madness (1 Corinthians 1.18 and 23), given that Jesus, the Savior, was crucified on the tree, the apostle Paul declares that God set out to save those who believe by the ‘madness’ of preaching.

“Since in the wisdom of God the world did not know God by his wisdom, it pleased God to save believers by the madness of preaching.” (1 Corinthians 1:21).

Pay close attention: God through Christ saves you free! Since Jesus Christ is the theme of the gospel, the apostle Paul states:

“In whom are you also, after you have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; and having believed in him, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise?” (Ephesians 1.13).

The believer is saving graciously through the word of truth, which were also name: gospel of salvation, gift, manifest faith, gift of God, power of God, message of the cross, etc.

“For by grace you are saved, through faith; and this does not come from you, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2.8);

“… Rather, he participates in the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God, who saved us…” (2 Timothy 1.8-9);

“Not because of the works of justice that we had done, but according to his mercy, he saved us by washing away the regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,” (Titus 3.5).

That is why the apostle Paul guided Timothy, saying:

“Take care of yourself and the doctrine. Persevere in these things; because in doing this you would be saved, both yourself and those who hear you. ” (1 Timothy 4:16);

“And that since your childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which can make you wise for salvation, through the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:15).

Whoever takes care of himself and of the doctrine, that is, the sacred letters, saves himself and the one who listens, because only the gospel makes someone wise for salvation, because in Christ there is faith, that is, faithfulness, truth.

Before proceeding, note these three verses:

“In whom are you also, after you have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; and having believed in him, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise?” (Ephesians 1.13);

“THEREFORE, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8.1);

“So, if anyone is in Christ, a new creature is; old things are gone; behold, everything is done again.” (2 Corinthians 5.17).

The believer comes to be in Christ for having heard and believed in the word of truth, the gospel of salvation, which means that there is no condemnation, since he is a new creature, generated again in true justice and holiness, so that everything it became new.

These are comforting words, but how can you be sure you are in Christ? How to be sure of this transformation? The guarantee is clear in this verse:

“Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God is in him, and he in God.” (1 John 4.15).

To be in God, and God in the believer, in full communion with the Father and the Son, it is enough to confess, that is, to admit that Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth is the blessed Son of God who is saved and a new creature, therefore, without condemnation.

About this confession, the apostle Paul wrote:

“But what does it say? The word is with you, in your mouth and in your heart; this is the word of faith, which we preach, namely: If you confess with your mouth to the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you would be saving. Since with the heart one believes that for righteousness, and with the mouth, one makes confession for salvation. Because Scripture says not everyone, who believes in him will be confused. Because there is no difference between Jew and Greek; because one is the Lord of all, rich to all who call on him. ” (Romans 10: 8-12).

Realize the security of salvation in Christ, in which everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ participates, so that you can enter the sanctuary with boldness, because by the new and living way, by the veil, that is, by the flesh of Christ, for he is consecrated.

“Therefore, having brothers, daring to enter the sanctuary, by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he consecrated to us, by the veil, that is, by his flesh, and having a great priest over the house of God.  let us go let us with true heart, in complete certainty of faith, having our hearts cleansed from bad conscience, and our bodies washed with clean water, let us hold fast the confession of our hope; because faithful is what he promised. ” (Hebrews 10: 19-23).

Christ is the great priest over the house of God, which is the church, the holy temple that Christ; the Son of David is building for all people. With Christ as a priest, we can enter the sanctuary, approach with a true heart, because the new creature has a new heart and a new spirit.

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36.26).

Because of faith, Christians have to be sure, because they have hearts (thoughts) free from bad conscience. This does not mean that the Christian is free from errors, but tries to behave honestly in everything, knowing that salvation does not depend on good conscience.

“Pray for us, because we trust that we have a good conscience, like those who at all want to behave honestly.” (Hebrews 13:18);

“All things are pure for the pure, but nothing is pure for the contaminated and the unfaithful; rather your understanding and conscience are contaminated.” (Titus 1.15).

It is not only the purified conscience, but also the body washed with clean water, so that it is up to the Christian to only firm retain the confession of hope, Christ, the hope of glory.

There are many Christians who do not have “full assurance of faith” because they do not understand salvation in Christ, mainly, that their sins have being forgiving. If you do not believe that salvation is in believing that Jesus is the Christ, you will certainly not say with conviction that you will go to heaven, for as the Jews who offered sacrifice every year, they continue to be aware of sin.

“Otherwise, they would have stopped offering themselves, because, once the ministers had been purified, they would never again be aware of sin. In these sacrifices, however, each year there is a commemoration of sins, because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. ” (Hebrews 10: 2-4).

What was impossible with the blood of bulls and goats, through the blood of Jesus, that is, the gospel, the bond with sin has been broken, so that the believer in Christ no longer serves sin, but justice.

“And, being freed from sin, you were made servants of justice.” (Romans 6.18);

“And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17).

The greatest encouragement of doubts about salvation, usually comes from pulpits of pastors without proper biblical knowledge, as they speak of salvation in Christ, and after the believer believes that Jesus is the Christ, they say that it is not only that. Leaders without knowledge come to say that, in addition to believing in Christ, obedience to God’s will and personal knowledge of Christ are essential elements of salvation.

How can we obey God’s will, if God’s will is for men to come to the knowledge of the truth, that is, to believe in Christ? By believing, man has already done God’s will, because he has done his work, but they say it is necessary to obey God. Doing something that has already being donned makes the mission impossible.

“Jesus answered and said to them, the work of God is this: That you believe in the one he sent.” (John 6.29);

“And looking around at those who sat beside him, he said, here is my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God, this is my brother, my sister, and my mother. ” (Mark 3.35)

“And the world passes, and its lust; but he who does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2.17);

“Being generated again, not from corruptible seed, but from incorruptible, by the word of God, alive, and which remains forever. For all flesh is like grass, and all the glory of man is like the flower of grass. The grass withered, and its flower fell; but the word of the LORD remains forever. Moreover, this word was evangelizing among you. ” (1 Peter 1.23-25).

Now he who believes in Christ has a knowledge that is more than personal, for he has become one with Christ. There is no greater intimacy than having fellowship with the Father and the Son, which is done through the gospel.

If when believing in Christ it is still necessary for the believer to do the will of God, or to have a personal relationship with Christ, the evangelist John would not have said:

“These things I wrote to you so that you might know that you have eternal life, to you who believe in the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5.13).



Salvation takes place solely and exclusively through the gospel, which is the power of salvation for everyone who believes.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; first for the Jew, and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1.16).

If you believed in Christ as the Son of God, you did God’s will; therefore, you will being saving. Now, after being saving in Christ, what is left for you to do?

He must remain looking at Jesus, that is, have the same perspicacity as the Master who, through the proposed enjoyment, endured the contradictions and oppositions of sinners.

“Looking at Jesus, author and finisher of the faith, who, for the joy that was proposed to him, endured the cross, despising affront, and sat at the right hand of God’s throne.” (Hebrews 12: 2).

To remain looking at Jesus is to remain founded, rooted, and firm in Christ, the author and finisher of the faith. You just cannot move from the hope proposed in the gospel, the salvation of the soul.

“If, in truth, you remain grounded and firm in the faith, and do not move from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, am made a minister.” (Colossians 1.23).

To remain believing that Jesus is the Christ is to remain under God’s kindness, therefore, be careful.

“Consider, then, the goodness and severity of God: to those who have fallen, severity; but kindness to you, if you remain in its kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off.” (Romans 11:22).

By keeping your eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will have full assurance of salvation. Do not look at yourself, or your disability and failures. However, if you look, glory in your weaknesses, as the apostle Paul did, for God’s power is perfect in weakness.

There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ

The “gospel” is contrary to the “law,” just as, respectively, “newness of mind” disputes the “old age of the letter,” or “preaching of faith” opposes the “works of the law,” or “spirit.” contrary to the ‘flesh’.

There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ

“Therefore now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8: 1).



Before continuing the analysis of chapter 8, from the Epistle to the Romans, compare these two verses:

“But now we are free from the law, for we die to what we were held in, to serve in newness of mind, not in old age of the letter” (Romans 7: 6);

“I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore I myself, by understanding, serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin ” (Romans 7:25).

What is the reason for the apostle Paul to give thanks to God through Christ Jesus? He was free from the law (now we are free from the law) since he had died for what was withheld: the law.

What is the purpose of the apostle Paul to have died for that which was withheld? The answer is clear: in order to serve God in newness of spirit (gospel), which was impossible through the old age of the letter (law).

The apostle Paul stated categorically that Christians were now free from the law, since they had died for it, and concludes that the freedom attained as a result of death to law has only one purpose: to serve God in new spirit, since that through the law of Moses it was impossible to serve God (Romans 8.7).

The two verses present counterpoints: ‘novelty of spirit’ opposes ‘old age of the letter’, just as ‘understanding’ opposes ‘flesh’. The opposition ‘gospel’ versus ‘law’ is clear, but the opposition ‘understanding’ versus ‘flesh’ is very subtle, leading to a misreading of the Pauline proposal.

The Greek term translated ‘understanding’ is νους [1] (nous), probably derived from the root of the verb γινωσκω (ginosko). In establishing the counterpoint ‘understanding’ versus ‘flesh’, we are compelled to consider what was said by the apostle Paul later that

The Jews served God without understanding (Romans 10: 2), because the Law, the Psalms, and the prophets were emphatic:

“For they are a lack of counsel, and there is no understanding in them.” (Deuteronomy 32:28);

“Therefore shall my people be taken captive for lack of understanding; and their nobles shall hunger, and their multitude shall be thirsty” (Isaiah 5:13);

“God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that had understanding and sought after God. They have all turned aside, and are together becoming filthy. No one does good, no, not even one. Do not those who work iniquity know who eat my people as if they eat bread? They did not call upon God. ” (Psalm 53: 2-4);

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; good understanding have all they that do his commandments; his praise endures forever” (Psalm 111: 10).

The apostle Paul gives thanks to God in verse 25 because he died for the law and was now free. What does it mean to serve in ‘novelty of mind ‘Freedom to serve the will (law [2]) of God with understanding, since with the flesh only the law of sin can be served.

“For this is the covenant which I will make after those days with the house of Israel, saith the Lord; I will put my laws in his understanding, and I will write them in his heart; And I will be their God, and they will be my people ” (Hebrews 8:10).

In both verses, the apostle Paul uses the verb “to serve” and suppresses the same verb in the final part of the verse:

“… that we may serve in newness of mind, and not (serve) in old age of the letter” (Romans 7: 6);

“… with understanding I serve the law of God, but with the flesh (I serve) the law of sin” (Romans 7:25).

Through this analysis it is easy to diagnose that, because of misreading, that is, without considering possible use of certain literary resources, such as style figures, numerous misunderstandings arise.

A clear example of writing-relevant resources is found in the verses we just compared, where we have one of the language figures (Brazil), or style figures / Rhetoric figures (Portugal).

“Figure of Language are literary strategies that the writer can apply in the text to achieve a determined effect on interpretation. They are more localized forms of expression compared to language functions, which are global characteristics of the text. They may relate to semantic, phonological or syntactic aspects of the affected words. “ Wikipedia.

What resource did the apostle Paul use in the above verses? It uses a style figure called an ellipse, which is:

“Ellipse is a suppression of an easily understood word. It is the intentional omission of a term easily identifiable by the context or grammatical elements present in the sentence. This omission makes the text concise and elegant. ” Wikipedia.

Not considering elementary principles of text interpretation distorts the idea that the writer seeks to convey, causing doctrinal errors.

If one fails to consider elements pertinent to semantics, it is pernicious, that one would say that one neglects elements pertinent to rhetoric (the art of good speech), since the apostle Paul was a man of the culture of the time.

Analyzing the Apostle Paul’s exposition, it is clear that he seeks to make his interlocutor, through his own reasoning, convince himself that the sender is correct.

Rhetoric as a technique of exposition is not intended to distinguish what is true or right, but rather to make the recipient of the message come to the conclusion that the idea implicit in discourse represents what is true or right.

Added to this are various problems pertinent to translators’ understanding when shedding the sacred texts, since the transcribed biblical texts of the original had no punctuation marks, rules that was introduced late.

Although we analyze the biblical texts using the chapters and verses references, we must not forget that the writers of the Bible did not make those divisions.

These divisions was introduced thousands of years after the writing of the original books to facilitate the location of passages and specify, therefore, they should not be considered when reading and interpreting the text.

Parisian university professor Stephen Langton introduced The division of the Bible into chapters in 1227. The Parisian printer Robert Stephanus introduced the division of the Bible into verses in 1551. (Divisions were intending to facilitate consultation and biblical quotations.)


No conviction

“Therefore, now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8: 1).

This verse supports the arguments that the apostle Paul presented in the previous chapters. We can understand the structure of the letter addressed to Christians in Rome.

This verse introduces a conclusion, through the concluding conjunction, ‘therefore’, based on what the apostle Paul expressed earlier.

“therefore – conclusive conjunction equivalent to therefore, therefore, consequently, consequently”.

“The use of the conjunction ‘therefore’ must introduce a conclusion based on what has been said before – prayer or preceding text – so it is a mistake to initiate a period, intervention or response with this conjunction.”

To understand the structure of the letter, it is necessary to draw on the adverb of time (now) that the apostle of the Gentiles introduces shortly after the concluding conjunction, ‘therefore’: ‘Therefore, now …’ (Romans 8: 1).

The apostle Paul demonstrated that all men were under sin. (Romans 3: 1-20) and described the righteousness of God given by the gospel (faith) to all who believe (without distinction), and used the adverb of time ‘now’ “But now the righteousness of God has manifested without the law… ” (Romans 3:21).

The apostle of the Gentiles demonstrates to his readers that the grace of God is manifest to all who believe without any distinction, and points out through the adverb of time “now” that God’s righteousness is effective in the present tense.

The believer is just now, in the present tense.

It is a condition proper to those who have believed in Christ, not a gift to be given only in the future (Romans 3:26).

Why is the righteousness of God in the now, and given to all without distinction?

First, because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God  (Romans 3:23).

Notice that Paul first presents the grace of God (Romans 3:21), and then refers to the condition of humanity without Christ (Romans 3:23).

On the basis of the information given in verses 21-27 of chapter 3 of the letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul concludes that all men are justified through the gospel of Christ.

“Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” (Romans 3:28).

The conclusion that the apostle Paul makes in verse 2 of chapter 3 makes him present the person of Abraham as an example of a Gentile reached by the grace of God through faith long before the law was given. (Romans 4.10).

After presenting Abraham as thorough proof that the grace of God also reaches the Gentiles, the apostle Paul goes on to demonstrate that the law was not the cause of the bliss attained by his father Abraham, but the promise (Romans 4:13).

After demonstrating that circumcision and the law are not causes of justification in God, the apostle Paul presents a new conclusion, which takes up the argument presented in chapter 3, verse 21: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace. With God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5.1).

The apostle Paul had already announced that the righteousness of God was manifested without the law, according to the testimony of the law and the prophets (Romans 3:21, and concludes that justification by faith establishes peace with God)

After demonstrating that Christians achieved peace with God, since he was reconciled to God through the death of his Son (Romans 5:10), the apostle Paul goes on to demonstrate how humanity’s destitution of the glory of God took place (Romans 5:12). -20); clarifies that it is impossible for those who are dead to sin to live in sin (Romans 6: 2); that Christians are freed from the law (Romans 7: 7); it presents the nature of the law (Romans 7:12), and the impossibility of the carnal man (Romans 7:14).

The passage from Paul’s letter to the Romans between chapter six and seven demonstrates how justification is given by faith, which leads to the following conclusion: we have peace with God (Romans 5.1), because we have been justified by his grace (Romans 3:24). ), and now there is no condemnation to those who walk after God (Romans 8: 1).

Salvation in Christ is for the “now” (present tense) and not for the future. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the most acceptable day (2 Corinthians 6: 2). Man is saved today (present) from the condemnation given in Eden (past), and so is justified today, now.

The apostle Paul emphasizes that there is not condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,

Why did he write that there was no condemnation?

Wouldn’t that be correct: is there no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus?

If the apostle of the Gentiles says that there is no condemnation, it is because more than one condemnation was possible.

How many convictions are there.

The Bible presents us with two condemnations:

a) the condemnation in Adam, which took place in Eden (past), where all men became sinners, alienated (dead) from God (Romans 5:18);

b) The condemnation that will be given in the Great White Throne Court (future), regarding the works (Revelation 20:12).

When the apostle Paul said – there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ, he alluded to the separation of man and the glory of God, without neglecting the effects of the reprehensible works of humanity without Christ.

All who are in Christ, besides being free from condemnation to death because of Adam’s offense, will not appear before the Great Court of the White Throne, but will appear before the Court of Christ to be rewarding, where there is no condemnation. (Romans 14:10 😉 (2 Corinthians 5:10).

Taking into account what the apostle Paul announced: “Therefore now there is no condemnation…” (Romans 8: 1), it is evident that the new man in Christ is blessed.

“So David also declares blessed the man to whom God imputes righteousness without works, saying,” (Romans 4 and 8).

Those who believe in Christ were been forgiven their ‘wickedness’, their sins covered, that is, God does not impute sin to them. Now, if so, how is it possible for the Christian to still be an “unfortunate”, “damn” man?

If there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ, it is unlikely that the apostle Paul made the “damn man I am” statement about his new condition in Christ, but about his old condition.


New Creature

Considering that, there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.

What is to be in Christ? How to be in Christ? What is the reality of those who are in Christ?

In writing to the Christians in Corinth, the apostle Paul made the following statement:

“So if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

New creature – By definition, which is in Christ, is a new creature;

New Birth – It is only possible to be in Christ those who were born again through the incorruptible seed, which is the word of God;

Reality – old things are gone and everything is new.

When we read, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, it implies not condemning the new creature begotten according to the word of truth, to live new existence and reality: all new!


“So if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17);

“Therefore now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Romans 8: 1).

Based on these two verses, it is concluding that ‘to be a new creature’ is the same as ‘to be in Christ’, and vice versa. For those who are in Christ, there is no condemnation. For the new creature (one who is in Christ), there is no condemnation.

Part b of the two verses addresses the same subject. The ‘old things’ that have gone on refer to ‘walking after the flesh’, just as ‘walking after the spirit’ refers to ‘all that has become new’


Flesh Versus Spirit

In order to continue the exposition, it is first necessary to define what is ‘flesh’ and what is ‘spirit’ in this context, for a good reading and sure understanding of Romans chapter 8 depends on this definition.

The first time that the apostle Paul uses the term flesh was in relation to Jesus, to demonstrate that He is the promised seed of God to David (2 Samuel 7:14), the Word made flesh (John 1:14).

“Concerning his Son, who was born of the seed of David after the flesh,” (Romans 1: 3).

The Greek term ‘σάρκα’ (sarx), translated by ‘flesh’ was used to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is of the lineage of David, through the blood bond that was conceived by the Virgin Mary.

The same term is use in Chapter 2:

“For it is not a Jew outwardly, neither is circumcision outward in the flesh.” (Romans 2:28).

In this verse, the apostle uses the term to refer to the circumcision mark that the Jews carry because of the sign God gave to Abraham (Genesis 17: 10-13).

“And the uncircumcised man, whose flesh of the foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; He has broken my covenant. ” (Genesis 14:14).

Further, the apostle Paul alludes to humanity through the term ‘flesh’:

“Therefore shall no flesh be justified before him by the works of the law: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” (Romans 3:20).

After quoting the Psalms and the Prophets (Romans 3: 10-18), the apostle Paul emphasizes that ‘no’ flesh is justified through the works of the law, that is, through the works of the law, neither Jew nor Greeks can be justified.

The next use of the term flesh is made in relation to father Abraham:

“What then shall we say, having attained Abraham our father according to the flesh?” (Romans 4.1).

The term is used in the sense of descendants, because according to the flesh Abraham is the father of the Jews (John 8:37).

The apostle of the Gentiles evidences that Abraham achieved nothing according to the law, for if it were not for the promise that he would be heir to the world, when he received the seal of the righteousness of faith in uncircumcision, he would not be the father of all. Who believe (Romans 4: 10-13).

If not for the word of God given freely to Abraham, he would be like other men. But through the word of faith Abraham believed, his belief in the word of God being the cause of justification.

“Then he took him outside, and said, look now to the heavens, and count the stars, if thou canst count them. In addition, he said unto him, thus should thy seed be. And he believed the LORD, and counted it to him for righteousness” (Genesis 15: 5-6).

The connotation of the term ‘flesh’ is more complex in chapter 6:

“I speak as a man because of the weakness of your flesh; for as you presented your members to serve filthiness and evil to wickedness, so now present your members to serve righteousness for sanctification ” (Romans 6:19).

The apostle invokes the institute of slavery to demonstrate the condition of man under sin and justice, and then emphasizes the need for argumentation: I speak as a man because of the fragility of the flesh of the interlocutors.

“Ανθρωπινον λεγω δια την ασθενειαν της σαρκος υμων”  Scrivener’s Textus Receptus (1894).

‘in human terms I speak because of the weakness [3] of your flesh ’New Greek Interlinear Testament, SBB.

The possessive pronoun ὑμῶν is in the genitive, and comes in the second person plural to demonstrate the fragility of the interlocutors’ flesh.

Is the apostle referring to the body made of organic matter? To human desires and yearnings? Questions such as moral ethics and character?

No! The apostle was stressing how fragile the human argument based on being descended from Abraham’s flesh.

The argument made by the apostle Paul was common for Jews to present when confronted by the gospel:

“They answered him, We are Abraham’s seed, and we never serve any man; how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? ” (John 8:33), or;

“They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father” (John 8:39).

The fragility in comment says of those who made their flesh their salvation, that is, their strength:

“Thus saith the LORD, Cursed is the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and departeth his heart from the LORD!” (Jeremiah 17: 5).

In this sense, the term ‘flesh’ evidenced the essence of Jewish doctrine, the misreadings of the Pauline expositions, allied with Greek philosophical thought, gave rise to Docetism.

Current Docetism of heretical thought where the body of Jesus Christ was only an illusion and his crucifixion would have been only apparent, since they understood that organic matter was essentially corrupted.

Docetism derives from a certain Gnostic current that believes that the material world is evil and corrupt, and in an attempt to reconcile Scripture with Greek philosophy, they claimed that Jesus was a human-looking specter, but without flesh and blood.

“For many deceivers have come into the world who do not confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. ” (2 John 1.7).

The next use of the term ‘flesh’ is found in chapter 7:

“For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins, which are of the law, wrought in our members, bearing fruit unto death.” (Romans 7.5).

In this verse, the apostle Paul makes use of the term ‘flesh’ to name Jewish doctrine, demonstrating that in a past time both he and his interlocutors were in the flesh. Further, the apostle Paul categorically emphasizes that Christians were no longer in the flesh but in the spirit:

“But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his. ” (Romans 8.9).

The emphasis of the apostle of the Gentiles was on the converted Christians among the Jews, unlike the approach to the Christians of the regions of Galatia, who became among the Gentiles:

“I only wanted to know this from you: did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by preaching the faith? Are you so foolish that, beginning with the Spirit, you now end up with the flesh? ” (Galatians 3: 2-3).

While the Christians of Galatia had begun to serve God according to the gospel (spirit), now, because of a fascination (Galatians 3.1), they were coming to the doctrine ju The Christian serves God in newness of mind, not through the old age of the letter (Romans 7: 7).

The “gospel” is contrary to the “law,” just as, respectively, “newness of mind” disputes the “old age of the letter,” or “preaching of faith” opposes the “works of the law,” or “spirit.” contrary to the ‘flesh’.

Turning back to verse 1 of chapter 8 of the Epistle to the Romans, it is certain that those who are in Christ are new creatures free from condemnation, for they do not walk according to the precepts of the law, but according to the truth of the gospel (spirit). .

The Greek word πνεῦμα (pneuma), translated by spirit, in this context refers to the gospel of Christ.

Because of this truth, the apostle Paul stated that he was minister of 111-a New Testament, that is, of the spirit.

“Who also made us able to be ministers of a new testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit; because the letter kills and the spirit gives life. ” (2 Corinthians 3: 6).

The above verse evidences the opposition ‘spirit’ and ‘letter’, presenting the spirit as the New Testament, and the law as the letter, because it was set in stone (2 Corinthians 3: 7).

The law is presenting as the ministry of death, which opposes the gospel, which is the ministry of the spirit (2 Corinthians 3: 7-8).

Hence the opposition ‘spirit’ and ‘letter’, for the gospel quickens while the law kills.


[1] “3563 νους probably from the root of 1097; TDNT – 4: 951.636; 1) mind, including also the faculties of perceiving and understanding as well as the ability to sense, judge, determine 1a) mental faculties, understanding 1b) reason in the narrowest sense, such as the capacity for spiritual truth, the higher powers of the soul, the ability to perceive divine things, to recognize goodness and to hate evil 1c) the power to soberly and calmly and impartially ponder and judge 2) a particular way of thinking and judging, ie, thoughts, feelings, purposes, desires Synonyms see entry 5917 ” Strong Bible Dictionary.

[2] “3551 νομος nomos of the primary word nemo (parcel, especially food or pasture for animals); TDNT – 4: 1022,646; 1) anything established, anything received by the use, custom, law, command 1a) of any law 1a1) a law or rule that produces a state approved by God 1a1a) by observance of what is approved by God 1a2) a precept or injunction 1a3) the rule of action prescribed by reason 1b) of the Mosaic law, and referring, according to the context, the volume of the law or its content 1c) the Christian religion: the law requiring faith, the moral instruction given by Christ, esp. love precept 1d) the name of the most important part (the Pentateuch) is used for the complete collection of the sacred books of the AT Synonyms see entry 5918 ” Dictionary biblical Strong.

[3] “769 ασθ εν εια astheneia of 772; TDNT – 1: 490.83; nf 1) lack of strength, weakness, weakness 1a) of body 1a1) its natural weakness and weakness 1a2) health weakness or illness 1b) of soul 1b1) lack of strength and capacity required to 1b1a) understand something 1b1b) do great things and glorious 1b1c) suppress corrupt desires 1b1d) endure afflictions and worries ” Strong Bible Dictionary.

Doom and Salvation are linked to paths, and not to men

God will not change the destination of the paths (salvation and perdition) and not the condition resulting from the birth (SIN and justice), i.e. the place of perdition and resting place, and lost and saved.

“Enter by the narrow gate; because wide is the gate, and the path that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it; And because narrow is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and few there are that are “(Mt 7:13 -14)

When he announced the Kingdom of heaven in the sermon on the mount, Jesus instructed his listeners to enter by the narrow gate ‘ “Enter by the narrow gate” (Mt 7:13). Jesus is the narrow gate through which the righteous shall enter, as he himself said: I am the door; If anyone enters by me will be saved, and will go, and out, and find pasture (Oj 10: 9).

Psalm 118 presents Christ as the door of the righteous, the cornerstone, the corner stone, the injured servant, the right hand of the most high, the light that came into the world, the Blessed who comes in the name of the Lord and the victim of the party this is the gate of the Lord, by which the righteous will enter (Sl 118: 15 -27). Christ is the Lord’s door and he invited his listeners to ‘ enter ‘ for him.

  • The door is wide;
  • Gives access to the path of destruction, and;
  • Many enter through it.


Identifying the wide door

The parable presents two doors and Jesus presents himself as the narrow door Enfiai by enter by the narrow gate; because I tell you that many will come, and will not be able (Lk 13:24 -25; Jo 10: 9).

The Bible does not contain an explicit definition of the wide door, but through the narrow gate, which is Christ, it is possible to determine what is, or who is the wide door.

There are several interpretations of the parable of the two doors that present some candidates to occupy the ‘ position ‘ wide door, however, for a safe interpretation, we should consider that there is a fair position between the figure of wide door and the figure of the narrow gate, so that there are essential issues to figure for a ‘ candidate ‘ wide door meets the requirements pertinent to the figure.

Being Christ the narrow door and He was a man, it follows that the figure of wide door should also make reference to a man. If the narrow door is head of a new generation, the wide door also has to refer to the head of a generation.

Many did not consider the relevant nuances and figures indicate the devil as wide door, however, he is a fallen angel (not a man), and cannot bring similar beings existence to it, therefore, cannot be head of a generation. The devil does not fall in fair position between the figures of the wide door and the door close (Lc 20:35 -36).

Sin, in turn, refers to the condition of man alienated from God, therefore, sin is not a be. the SIN does not fit in the post wide port sin because it is impossible to assume the position of head of a generation (Is 59: 2).

Human institutions are also listed as wide door, however, an institution not passing several men gathered around a goal. Sums it up in an Assembly of people, so that won’t fit into the figure of a large port.

The world is not the wide door, seen that the world, in the Bible, says men alienated from God governed by his passions, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life (Eph 2: 2; Cl 2: 8). Therefore, we consider that the wide door is the devil, sin, the world or a religious institution.

We consider that, if the narrow door is a man, the wide door necessarily has to be a man. Like Christ, the narrow door, came into the world without sin, the candidate for the wide door has to be a man who came into the world without sin. As Christ is the head of a new generation of spiritual men, the wide door refers to the head of a generation of men.

The only man who fits in figure on condition that wide door is Adam because Adam was created without sin and was made head of a generation of carnal men.

How can that be? However, in the Bible the door is a figure that has several meanings, however, the figures of the doors that Jesus presented in the sermon on the mount represents birth, so that Adam is the wide door for whom all men entering the world. All men, when it comes to the world (open mother) are generated according to the seed of Adam “… because not closed the doors of the womb on me. ..” (Job 3:10). All men, except Christ entered the world through Adam.

Christ was released by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, i.e. corruptible seed of Adam disfellowshipped (Sl 22:10). For having been introduced into the world by God (Heb 1: 6), Christ is the last Adam, the head of a spiritual generation of men (1 Corinthians 15:45). In other words, Adam is the type and Christ is the antitype. Adam figure and Christ the reality “… Adam, which is the figure (type) of what was to come (antitype) “(Rm 5:14; Cl 2:17).

To be subject to passion of death, Christ had to come to the world in the likeness of men (the flesh of sin), however, without sin (Heb. 2: 9). To do this, was introduced by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, because if it were generated according to the flesh, would be under the same doom that befell humanity (Gl 4: 4; 1 John 3: 9). Already in Eden, it was announced that the descendant (Christ) would come from the descent of woman, in view of the opposition that there would be between the two seeds (Gn 3:15).

It is worth noting that, when Christ created man in Eden (Hb 2:10; Jn 1: 3: Cl 1:16), Adam was created in the image and likeness of Christ-man who had to be raised in the womb of Mary, and not like the invisible God and glory (Heb. 2: 9).

Adam was created in the image and likeness of Christ-man who had come to the world (Rm 5:14); As for me, I thy face in righteousness; I will thy likeness when waking up (Sl 17:15).


The door is wide

The door is wide because all men when they see the world, necessarily have to enter by Adam (1 Corinthians 15:46). Jesus emphasizes that there are many who enter through the door wide, and not all.

Why? Because Christ, despite being a man, was introduced into the world by God.

Christ was exception to the general rule. While natural men were released in the mother through a corruptible seed, Jesus was released in madre through the supernatural operation of the Holy Spirit (Sl 22:10).

Before Adam, there was no disobedience, Sin and death to mankind. With the transgression of Adam, Sin came into the world and death (1 Corinthians 15:21 -22). Because of the offense of Adam all his descendants along alienated from God (Psalm 53: 3).

The Bible is clear when demonstrates that all men together went astray, alienated from God.

How was it possible to dispose of men to God together? However, there was a single event in which all men were ‘ together ‘ meeting. By ‘ interpretation ‘ (Heb 7: 2), in Eden all men were gathered in the ‘ thigh ‘ of Adam (Hb 7:10).

When He transgressed, all violated. When Adam became filthy, contaminated all his lineage because of the filthy there how come the pure (Sl 53: 3; Job 14: 4).

Among those born according to the flesh of Adam there is none righteous if you want, and it was because of this peculiarity that God didn’t find ten righteous in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, despite numerous children who had in these cities (job 15:14; Gn 18:32).

When men alienated from God? Alienated from God in Eden. There in Eden perished the godly man and all his descendants became unclean Already perished from the Earth the pious man, and there is among men who is fair; all arm pitfalls for blood; Each hunt to his brother with the network (Mq 7: 2).

It is on the basis of transgression in Eden that men alienate God from the mother, they are generated from a corruptible seed, the seed of Adam. As a consequence, go wandering since they are born, there is none righteous even as they are on a path that leads to destruction (Sl 58: 3).


The path of doom

After opening the madre (Sunrise), i.e. ‘ enter ‘ the door man track a specific path that is pegged to destruction.

The parable shows that the path is functional, as it leads, i.e. leads all men who are one place: perdition. Similarly, the parable shows that the narrow path leads all the men who are to life, i.e. the narrow pathway has as target a specific place: salvation (M 7:13 -14).

The term ‘ leads ‘ used in the parable of the function that the path plays, i.e. lead to a specific target those who enter through the doors. The bane is the target of the wide way, and salvation is the target of the narrow way.

Are the paths that have destinations (salvation and perdition), and the parable of the two paths deletes any concept of predestination, determinism or fatalism, sina when the future of men.

The term ‘ driving ‘ the function of the path, and nothing more.

The paths lead the man to a specific destination and right. For example: the bane is the target of the wide way, and life is the fate of the narrow way. The parable does not present the Salvation or doom tied to men, before the salvation and perdition tied to paths were presented.

Is the last Adam who leads the man to salvation, and the first Adam who leads humanity to destruction. Both are paths with specific targets, so that the targets do not link to men.

No one comes to God if not by Christ, because It is the path that leads man to life. Similarly, nobody goes to destruction if not on the wide way, that leads to destruction. While the Jews and the Greeks had a fatalistic and deterministic vision of the world, Jesus shows that his doctrine does not follow the concept of humanity. Jesus has no salvation nor doom as destination of men, rather as fate of paths, so that the Gospel does not follow the bases of philosophical currents as fatalism and determinism.

Why is it necessary to highlight this peculiarity of paths? To demystify some conceptions that have influences from some myths pertinent to some ancient civilizations, because the Greek mythology that all account, until the events of daily life, are governed by a succession of unavoidable events and preordenados for a particular cosmic order or divinity. In Greek mythology, all events occur according to a fixed destination and inexorable, without which men can control them or influence them.

In Greek mythology have the figure of Moiras, three sisters who, through the wheel of fortune, determined the fate of the gods, as human beings, so the target subjected the gods and men, which in turn should resign themselves to their fate, sina, fado.

In addition to the Greco-Roman culture, we have the fatalism conducting Roman and Greek stoicism, which finally influenced the Christian doctrine dictates of Divine Providence. Divine Providence became a theological thought that empowers the omnipotence of God absolute control over all the events in the lives of people and in the history of mankind. Such design asserts that God has ordained and all events and nothing happens without God.

Another philosophical current, determinism, claims that any event (including the mental) is explained by relations of causation (cause and effect).

In the Bible, such thoughts, mythological or philosophical, there are are echoed, because the target is presented only and specifically as the location that the man will arrive after tread a path. In the Bible the term target is employed in the sense of place, and does not involve the idea of Foreordination: Golden shields as well as three hundred beaten; for each shield was three hundred shekels of gold; and Solomon put them in the House of the forest of Lebanon (2Cr 9:16).

When it reads: and I you target the Kingdom, as my father has mo (Lc 22:29), there is nothing of determinism in the philosophical sense or mythological, before Jesus indicated that, in the same way that God allowed the Kingdom to his son, it is certain that the Kingdom belongs to and is granted to those who believe, because inherit with Christ all things.

However, the two above verses have the same principle: as the gold was reserved on the basis of the shield, the Kingdom was reserved for those who believe in Christ. This is not to say that some people were preordenadas (intended) to United, and another does not, before the Kingdom was prepared for those who believe. The misapprehension of some is in function of the language, because they consider that, in antiquity, things were defined by their function, use: “all things are defined by their functions” (Aristotle, politics. Translate Nestor Silveira Keys. Rio de janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2011, p. 22).

When we read: because God has destined us for wrath, but to the acquiring of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Thes 5: 9), we must consider that the Apostle presents the figure of the narrow way: through our Lord Jesus Christ. In verse in comment, the term ‘ target ‘ was not employed in the sense of preordenar, and Yes, in the sense of ‘ reserve ‘.

The Apostle Paul was bringing to the memory of Christians to the current condition of them in Christ: sons of light (1Ts 5: 5), and recommends them to remain vigilant and sober (1Ts 5: 7), and are of God’s power, which is the Gospel (1Ts 5: 8). For now, other than the time they were in darkness and were children of wrath, the Christians, on the basis of the path that leads to life (Jesus Christ our Lord), reached acquired salvation. That is, the Apostle does not say that the Christians were predestined to salvation, before that, by being on the narrow way, the target is now salvation, different from the wide way, which is wrath.

What is the function of a path? Lead to a place, i.e. a path has the right destination. The ‘ place ‘, the ‘ target ‘, binds to the path without any connotation of ‘ predestination ‘, ‘ Preview ‘, ‘ Foreordination ‘. The destination of the path connected to the wide door is doom, as well as the fate of the Rodovia Presidente Dutra is the Rio de Janeiro for whoever comes out of São Paulo.

We must consider that the Lord Jesus said that whoever has destination is the path to urge people who porfiassem to enter by the narrow gate. In this way, Jesus shows that the traveler is not foreordained, predestined, etc., to destruction, before is the path that leads to a place of perdition.

In the face of Christ alert, it turns out that the traveler can change path, just as it is possible for someone who is in São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro by the Presidente Dutra highway take the Rodovia Raposo Tavares to the State of Paraná.


“Enter by the narrow gate; because wide is the gate, and the path that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it “(Mt 7:13);

But Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! since closing to men the Kingdom of heaven; and neither you nor let you go in to get those who are entering (Mt 23:13);

I am the door; If anyone enters by me will be saved, and will go, and out, and find pasture (Oj 10: 9);

The port is spacious because many enter through Adam, and the path is spacious because all that are generated from Adam are driven to destruction. Jesus linked the bane to the path, and not to men. Through the parable it becomes apparent that the target binds to the path. The path and the target are fixed and trailers, however, the man is tied to the door (birth), which means that it is possible to leave the way you are and move on to the other.


The path is spacious

The port is spacious because all men, except Christ, come by Adam and the path is spacious because many men are driven to destruction.

In the parable of the two paths Jesus linked the bane to the path, and not to men. Through a careful reading of the parable is evidenced that the target is attached to the path.

Man is born for the first time according to the flesh, the blood and the will of man, IE is bound to the port (Oj 1:12). It was not God who established that the man would be raised in sin, before when Adam disobeyed, subjected himself to the condition alienated from God (SIN) and dragged all its descendants to the same condition. The wide door appeared in Adam, sinned and sold all its descendants to sin, so that when you come into the world, no man is free from sin.

The entry of men into the world by the wide door was linked to the first father of mankind, as Sunrise of meat is the only means of the man entering the world your first father sinned, and your interpreters have prevaricated while blatantly defying against me (43: 27; The 6: 7). To enter by the door wide man has no choice, as well as those who descended (children) of the slaves do not chose the social condition when they saw the world. That is, anyone who walks through the door wide chose to enter by it.

The figure is complete in itself, because the paths have a certain destination and immutable, however, men are not tied to a target, whether it is perdition or salvation.

Day in and day out, if a man want to get to a destination, not necessarily will have to choose which path to take, because the target is attached to the path. If a traveler wants to leave São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, will have to go through the Rodovia Presidente Dutra.


Through the parable of the two paths it is clear that God has predestined not anyone to eternal salvation or eternal damnation. When a new man comes into the world, not necessarily walks through the door wide and will be in a wide path that leads to perdition (1 Cor. 15:46).

Anyone who enters the world by Adam is predestined to eternal damnation, because it is the path that leads to destruction. The wide way has one target, IE is tied to a place. The place that the wide way leads is doom, different from the narrow path that leads to salvation.

Similarly, anyone who enters by Adam is predestined to salvation, since, for having entered the world through the door wide, is in a wide path that leads to destruction. The idea that there are men who see the world predestined to salvation fails to consider that all are trained in iniquity and conceived in sin, therefore, are born sinners and in the way of perdition.

However, if there was predestination to salvation, not necessarily the individual predestined couldn’t come to the world world by Adam. Would have to enter through another door, apart from Christ or of Adam, however, this port does not exist. To enter by Christ, first the man has to go by Adam, and after entering by Adam, you need to perform the work greater than that of the scribes and Pharisees, who is to believe in Christ, namely, being born again (Mt 5:20; OJ 3: 3 and Oj 6:29).

Who is born only once remains on the wide way, who is born again, i.e. the second time, gets out of the way of perdition and passes it to the path that leads to salvation, which is Christ.

Salvation and damnation are not destinations preordenados to men before they were born, on the contrary, salvation and damnation are linked to the way that men pursue after entering through the doors. Men access the ports one at a time and in the following order: first the door wide, after the close. To enter by Adam, is on the path of doom, by Christ, will be in the way of salvation.


Many enter through the door wide

When they are born, the men are on a path of doom (except Christ), however, they are granted the opportunity to enter by the narrow gate. All men come through the door and, to receive salvation, need to go through another door, so that to achieve eternal life, the men must go through two doors, i.e. two births.

As already stated, the fate of a path is immutable, that is, if there is some kind of fatalism or determinism expressed in Christianity, it rests solely on the way, never about travelers.

All men enter this world by Adam, and none of them are predestined to salvation. What the Bible demonstrates is that all who enter by Adam travels a wide path that leads to destruction. The two paths are tied to specific places (destinations) and immutable.

As perdition (destination, place) is tied to the wide way, and not to men, Jesus makes a solemn invitation, true and real to all men born of Adam: “Enter by the narrow gate” (Mt 7:13). This invitation demonstrates that it is possible to change the destination path to destruction for the new and living way whose fate is eternal life.

The wide door is figure of natural birth and the narrow door of new birth. The wide door back to the world living souls and the narrow door back spiritual men (1 Corinthians 15:45 -49). The new birth says a new generation from imperishable seed (Word of God), other than natural birth, which is due to the corruptible seed (1Pe 1:23).

In the parable of the two ports, port is the same as birth, so that all who are born of Adam, are the flesh and follow a path that leads to destruction. Similarly, all who come by Christ, are born again, are in a narrow path that leads to God.

Jesus said: “I am the door”! “I am the way”! First the man enters in this world by Adam, is then required to sign by Christ, being born again of water and the spirit. Christ is the path that leads man to God. Christ is the path that has the salvation as destination. Any who enter by It are in the path that leads only and specifically the God.

The path is narrow because few come by Christ, and the path is wide because there are many who enter through it. It’s not behavior, morals or character that qualifies the width of the path, but the amount of access. It is not the man who makes the wide or narrow path with their actions which causes the path is narrow? asked Augustine.

He even responds: the path is not close by itself, but we do so, by inflating our pride … ‘ Pearlman, Myer, Matthew, the Gospel of the great King, 1. editing, Rj, ed. CPAD, page. 42.


Path change

How to get out of the way off and enter the narrow path?

For the man be born again, you must first take upon themselves their own cross and follow after Christ, namely, to be born again you must first die (Col 3: 3). Without dying it is impossible to be born again I have been crucified with Christ; and I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; and the life that now live in the flesh live by faith in the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me (GAL 2:20; Rm 6: 6).

It is evident that, among those born of Adam no one predestined to salvation, since, if not die and be born again, do not enter the Kingdom of heaven. However, those who enter in the heavens is the new creature, because the old generated in Adam is crucified and dead, showing that it is impossible to generated in Adam inherit salvation.

As someone born of Adam could be predestined to salvation, if before it is necessary to die?

If someone raised from seed of Adam were predestined to salvation, does not need to die with Christ. But, if it is necessary to die with Christ, of course no one is predestined to salvation. If there was predestination to salvation, it is certain that the man would not be subject to physical death: nor, nor to death with Christ.

The man who inherits the salvation in Christ is not the same that came to the world second Adam, because of the man who came to the world is only harnessed the mass, it is given a new heart and a new spirit. When the man dies with Christ, the vessel of dishonor is broken and made a new vase from the same mass. It is for this peculiarity which is impossible to man Adam generated have been predestined to salvation, it is necessary a new birth, a new creation, a new family, a new heart and a new spirit Or has not the Potter power over the clay, of the same mass make a vase to honor and another for dishonor? (Rm 9:21).

The man can take on two conditions:

  1. a) lost, because when was born according to the flesh is carnal man, old creature, old man, old ‘ I ‘, land, etc., and:
  2. b) except, since when is born again, crucified the old nature and was again created in righteousness and true holiness.

If the old creature is crucified and dies, it is certain that such an individual was not predestined to salvation.

I repeat, if the man was predestined to salvation would not need to die to be generated a new man.

The new man is created in righteousness and true holiness, different from the old man who was raised in iniquity and in sin (Psalm 51: 5). The new man has a new heart and a new spirit, therefore, has no link with the old man who inherited a heart of stone. The old man was not predestinando to salvation, it is necessary to crucificarem the old nature with their desires to be saved (Gl 5:24).

The idea that God has predestined some men to salvation and others to eternal damnation before coming to the world, not consistent with the positioning of the Bible, because if that were so, the men generated Adam predestined to salvation would not have to be crucified I am crucified with Christ; and I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; and the life that now live in the flesh live by faith in the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me (GAL 2:20). As it is essential the crucifixion with Christ, there is certainly no predestination of individuals to salvation. As it is essential to die and be reborn, certainly the saved is not the same man who was born according to the flesh and blood, is a new creature (Oj 1:12 -13; 5:17 2Co).

The predestination which the Bible is to be son by adoption, which differs greatly from the idea of predestination to salvation (Eph 1: 5).

What does it mean to be predestined to son by adoption? Any that come through Christ and persevere in him won’t have another destination: is one of the sons of God (Rm 8:29). When the man enters by Christ, being born again, is destined to be a child for adoption, so that Jesus Christ is God’s firstborn among many brethren.

All who enter by the narrow gate, which is Christ, know God, or rather been known him (conhecertornar-if one body, intimate communion). So that Christ was raised to the position of the firstborn among many brethren, after die and rise again (once off introduced in the world being the only begotten son of God), all that came by Christ were predestined to be sons of God “because once he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rm 8:29).

Without the Church, the Assembly of the firstborn, there would not be as Jesus be the firstborn among many brethren. Depending on the purpose of make Christ preeminent in all, God created a new category of men like Christ, being himself the head. For the first-born be pre-eminent, there is the need of brothers like him at all. Between sublime, Christ is mui sublime. It is in this sense that God has predestined those who met the Christ to children by adoption, diverse subject the idea of predestination to salvation (Eph 1: 5).

All times the Apostle Paul addresses the issue of predestination, it does so in connection with the divine affiliation, so that any that come through Christ, God’s son is inexorably. There is another destination, or destination for those who enter through Christ: are children for adoption.

A bad reading of Scriptures that despises the fact that salvation is not the same as divine sonship will lead the reader to consider that the term applies to the salvation and predestination to damnation, however, the misapprehension occurs because it is possible to attain salvation without, however, achieving similar condition to Christ. Be similar to Christ is a condition unique to the that make up the body of Christ: the Church (1 John 3: 2).

Men saved in the Millennium will not be part of the Church, so that there will be children by adoption and nor will it be like Christ. The Bible shows that, in addition to being saved from damnation established in Adam, the believers have attained the similar position to Christ, children of God, participants of the Assembly of the first-born, to let Christ be the firstborn and has the preeminence among many brethren.

The condition of members of the body of Christ in the fullness of time (GAL. 4: 4), the Church is completely separate from the saved at other times. The big difference is in terms of membership. While the saved to the part of the Church are counted as sons of Israel, the Christians are counted as sons of God, as Christ is, Christians will see it and be like him. Because of this condition, to know: similar to Christ, the Church will be given the autonomy to judge angels (1 Corinthians 6: 2 -3).


The balance between the figures

There is a balance between the elements that make up the figures of the two doors and two paths. For example: As Christ is the head of a generation of spiritual men (servants of Justice), and is the narrow door; the wide door also refers to the head of a generation of men, however, of carnal men, servants of sin.

To better understand the figure of two doors, it is essential to understand that in Christ, God establishes his righteousness, so that, by the first Adam’s disobedience of the death penalty was imposed and all died. By the last Adam’s obedience, the resurrection came, therefore, all believers are made alive (2Co 15:21 -22).

However, if justice is in obedience to Christ and the injustice in Adam’s disobedience, God’s righteousness is obedience: Act replacement instead of disobedience.

However, those born of disobedience are children of wrath, of doom; already the children of obedience in Christ are God’s children.

The relationship between Jesus and Adam is sharp in Romans 5, verses 14 to 19: “However, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, which is the figure of him who was to come. But the free gift is not like the offense. Because, if the offense of a killed many, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is of one man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. And it wasn’t the dom as the offense, by one that sinned. Because the judgment came from a single offense, in fact, to condemnation, but the free gift came from many offenses to justification. For if by the one man’s offense death reigned for only this one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. As well as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one man’s righteous Act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. Because, as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous “.


The target is tied to the path, and not to men

Through the figures of the two paths, the paths are permanently coupled to a place, a destination. Through the figure of the two ports, we can see that the men are linked to a condition arising out of his birth: carnal or spiritual.

God will not change the destination of the paths (salvation and perdition) and not the condition resulting from the birth (SIN and justice), i.e. the place of perdition and resting place, and lost and saved. But, as the condition of birth can be changed, through the ambassadors of God pray, which men enter by the narrow gate porfiem by Enfiai by enter by the narrow gate; because I tell you that many will come, and will not be able to (Lc 13:24); Lucky that we are ambassadors of Christ, as if God for us rogasse. Please you, therefore, the part of Christ, that ye reconcilieis with God “(2Co 5:20).

The message of reconciliation is ambassadors of Christ (2Co 5:18). Reconciliation there is opportunity, and not Foreordination. In God there is freedom, because freedom is relevant to the spirit of God. If there is freedom on the spirit that gives life, certain is that nothing was foreordained regarding the future of men, demonstrating the sovereignty and the righteousness of God that nobody overwhelms The Almighty cannot reach; big is in power; but nobody overwhelms in judgment and grandeur of Justice (job 37: 23).

The man without Christ is separated from God in the light of the path, rather than a destination, sina, fate, predestination, Foreordination, etc. “because the Lord knows the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish “(PS. 1: 6); And your ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, without you when neither to the right nor to the left (30: 21).

The plan that the Father hath not planted

The plan that the Father hath not planted, comes from the corruptible seed of Adam. This seed is not subject to the will of God. It is an enmity seed and all that it is born, can not see the kingdom of God “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Rom 8: 7).

On one occasion Jesus stood in the synagogue in Nazareth, and gave him the book of Isaiah. When He opened the book, he found the text that read, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the poor hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and sight restoration. to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord … “(Luke 4:18 -19).

That’s when Jesus said to the people: “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your ears” (Luke 4:21).

When Jesus was among the men, the Spirit of God was upon Him (John 10:30). Jesus’ mission was to bring good news to the poor in spirit (Matthew 5: 3). He was sent to comfort the brokenhearted. Jesus presented himself as freedom for the captives of sin. The blind, Jesus is the Light. The oppressed by sin find freedom in Christ. Jesus inaugurated the time (year) when men are acceptable before God (2 Corinthians 6: 2).

Isaiah prophesied that after Jesus fulfill its mission, the men would be called trees of righteousness, the planting of Jehovah, that God might be glorified.

Through the work accomplished by Christ, men would be called justice plantation, ie “the Father planted plants”.

The word of God (the gospel) is the seed that gives rise to the ‘trees of righteousness’ “This, then, is the parable: The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). Plants planted the Father, comes from the incorruptible seed, which is the word of God (1 Peter 1:23).

Christ is the sower, and all those who preach the good news of the gospel “The sower soweth the word” (Mark 4:14). But to sow the word, you must be born of the will of God. You need to be empowered to be made a child of God (John 1:12 -13).

There is no way the word of the gospel if man is not born of her. In other words, it is only possible for man to produce the fruit of lips that profess Christ, after it is generated word.

That is why the gospel is the power of God to everyone who believes (1 Cor 1:18; 1 Corinthians 2: 5; Rom 1:16). The gospel is power from God who gives life to men.

Jesus came “… to restore sight to the blind …”, but the Pharisees and scribes believed they had perfect vision of heavenly things. The mission that Jesus came to realize, was not observed in those who believed they had a perfect view “And Jesus said unto him: I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind. And some of the Pharisees who were with him heard it, they said unto him, are we blind Jesus said to them: If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say: we see; therefore your sin remains “(John 9:39 -41).

Jesus came for the sick, but the religious believed themselves are: “When Jesus heard this, said to them, not the healthy who need a physician, but rather those who are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but , but sinners to repentance “(Mark 2:17).

But why the Pharisees and scribes who were considered are? Because they believed that they were children of God, being descendants of Abraham “They said, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God” (John 8:41).

The Pharisees and scribes were correct? They were the children of God by being descendants of Abraham? Do Not! The children of God come from the same faith of Abraham, the believer and not corruptible seed in the patriarch’s descent “So then they that are of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham” (Gal 3: 9).

For men be blessed as faithful Abraham, that is, children of the Most High, one must believe in the word of God as Abraham believed and that it will be for righteousness. God is no respecter of persons and all who believe as Abraham believed, are justified by His grace.

When Abraham believed God, He became justice of tree, plant the Lord planted (justified). However, their fleshly descendants did not reach the same condition before God.

Being the son of Abraham is to practice the works of Abraham, that is, to believe in God’s word. You receive the incorruptible seed in the heart. This is the work of God: believe in the one He sent (John 8:39; John 6:29). Abraham performed the works of God because he believed in God, but their descendants, entrusted in the flesh, that is, in its origin, did not believe that God sent, and therefore did not believe in God.

The Pharisees and scribes were descendants of Abraham (John 8:37), but they were not children of God. They thought it was enough to profess to be descendants of Abraham to reach the divine sonship (Mt 3: 9).

The Pharisees and scribes were not plants planted by God (did not believe in Christ) and, therefore, would be torn (likely the judgment of God) “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in name of the only begotten Son of God “(John 3:18).

We know that those who do not believe in Christ, are plants not planted by the Father, and those who believe, are trees of righteousness, plants belonging to the Father.

But when and where the wicked men were planted, since all men are plants?

The Jews considered that they were children of God by being descendants of Abraham in the flesh. They forgot that Abraham received the divine sonship when he believed God, and it was imputed for justice.

Although the Jews were descendants of Abraham according to the flesh, however, were still children of Adam, as a child of God is only possible through faith.

That is, all men born in Adam are plants that the Father hath not planted. There are trees of righteousness, and therefore is not planting of the Lord!

Abraham was a descendant of Adam, the flesh, and generated carnal children. Their descendants were conceived in sin, just as all men are conceived “Behold was shapen in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me” (Ps 51: 5).

Through Abraham’s faith became a plant that the Father planted because it was justified by God. But their descendants continued to be generated according to the flesh of Abraham, which refers to Adam.

Although Abraham has reached the condition of spiritual man to trust in the promise of God, however, he continued to bear children after the flesh, corruptible seed participants of Adam.

Only those born of God are created spiritual men. Abraham was the son of God by faith and only those who believe in God as faithful Abraham, are generated from him.

Humanity is a crop from a corruptible seed (which will not remain forever), the seed of Adam. Every man who comes into the world are plants that the Father hath not planted and that is why the Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

For born of the flesh, the man of will and blood, men come into the world under condemnation. Only after being born again, according to the will of God (Spirit) and the incorruptible seed (water), man becomes planting of the Lord.

“And all your people will be righteous, shall inherit the land for ever; the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified” (Isaiah 60:21).

To be born again, you need to be planted by God (branch of my planting). The new creature in Christ is generated exclusively the work of God’s hands. There is no man actively participate in the new birth, as it is glory to God alone belongs.

For man to be planted by the Father one must believe in the word of God that says, “Look unto me and be saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22 ). Who looks at the author and finisher of our faith is because he believed that only God can save him.

Who does not believe in the only begotten Son of God makes it look, and suffer the consequences of sin in the same way that the bitten by snakes in the desert that looked not (believe) to the brazen serpent suffer, at the time the Hebrews crossed the desert the road to the promised land!

The plan that the Father hath not planted, comes from the corruptible seed of Adam. This seed is not subject to the will of God. It is an enmity seed and all that it is born, can not see the kingdom of God “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be (Rom 8: 7).

Plants that were not planted by God will be uprooted because not stand the judgment: “Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous” (Psalm 1: 5).

In this respect, predicted John the Baptist: “And now also the ax is laid to the root of the trees: every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 3:10).

While the Pharisees and scribes continued professing that they were children of God by being descendants of Abraham, would be producing bad fruit, which indicated that they were not the Father planted plants and subject to the wrath of God.

Only trees that produce good fruit, that is, who profess the nearness of the kingdom of heaven (Christ) will remain forever (Hebrews 13:15). There will be cut, for God himself planted them, and will forever be works of God’s hands. Shoots (plants) planted by God.


The biblical repentance does not constitute a change of attitude promoted by human consciousness. Integrates a life before men says another aspect of the Christian life, not repentance promoted by the gospel. True repentance says a change in the design (metanoia), ie, a change in thinking about how man attains salvation of God.

“And think not to yourselves, saying, We have Abraham to our father…” (Mt 3: 9)

To achieve salvation in Christ was necessary a big change (radical) in its way of thinking, this change was when you heard the gospel message and believed in Christ. The gospel is good news that produces a radical transformation in the way we understand salvation. This radical change in thinking that the gospel down the man Who was without God is named in the Bible of Repentance. Repentance is change in design, concept, about how man attains salvation of God.

Many scribes and Pharisees came to the baptism of John the Baptist, but even after being baptized, still declaring that they were children of God by being descendants of Abraham. John the Baptist observed through what professed that they had a genuine repentance “And think not Just say we have Abraham to our father” (Mt 3: 9). It was necessary to the scribes and Pharisees repent of their misconceptions about how to be saved, that is, as a child of God. John the Baptist is emphatic, for even the stones God is able to make children to Abraham, that is, to make (create) children to Himself.

What is your conception of salvation? Have you ever regretted fact? You are producing fruits worthy of repentance?

For you to answer and check that you have reached the genuine repentance, note the following:

  1. a) All men have repented of something they did wrong in the course of his life. Repent of their mistakes, attitudes, decisions, etc. But is this kind of repentance granting Salvation?
  2. b) A person Who lived a dissolute life of crime, promiscuity and lies, but at the repent of mistakes (attitudes) and goes to live in a monastery, reached the genuine repentance?
  3. c) A citizen dedicated to live an orderly life in society, religious, and to commit an unlawful or wrongful act, and feel deep sorrow for his act, reached true repentance?

Do Not! Are not these types of regrets that described above that John recommended! This repentance promoted by human consciousness is what the Bible calls repentance from dead works.


The biblical repentance does not constitute a change of attitude promoted by human consciousness. The life of integrity before men says another aspect of the Christian life.


True repentance says a change in the design, ie, in thinking about how to achieve the salvation of God.


For the Pharisees and scribes was not enough to assume that they were children of God by being descendants of Abraham “And think not to yourselves, saying, We have Abraham to our father” Matthew 3: 9 For the Rich Young Ruler was not enough to fulfill the Law or do something for salvation “Good Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal life?” (Matthew 19: 16). Nicodemus was not enough to be a judge, master, Pharisees, Jewish, etc. “There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews” (John 3: 1).


Peter, speaking of repentance, urged the Jews to change their thinking and point of view about the Christ Who crucified. Only after the Jews believe in Christ as Lord would repentant fact (Acts 2:38).


Note that John the Baptist did not rebuke the Pharisees and scribes about mistakes they had committed. Before, should repent because, that is, because of the proximity of the Kingdom of God, which is Christ among men “Repent, because it is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 3: 1 -2).


The mission of John the Baptist was this: to prepare the way of the Lord, that is, proclaim to men that they needed to abandon their conception of how to be saved, and receive Christ.


On one occasion Jesus rebuked some disciples who had no genuine repentance. Note that these disciples believed in Christ, but they trusted that they were saved by being descendants of Abraham. They had not had a genuine repentance, since they were still attached to the old concept of how to achieve the salvation of God.

“Jesus Said to those Jews which believed on him, If ye abide in my word, then are ye my disciples the know the truth and the truth will set you They said.. We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves of anyone” (John 8: 11 -34).

Those Jews had not repented. They were simple followers of Christ, because of Bread, miracles, of a king, etc. But, when defendants that to be true disciples had to know the truth, that is, leave the ignorance of sin (repentance), showed what was their conception of salvation: they trusted in their own conceit, that they were the descendants of Abraham.


The followers of Christ (the Jews Who believed in him) were in the same condition of the scribes and Pharisees Who were the baptism of John the Baptist: they trusted that salvation came from the generation (offspring) of Abraham (Mt 3: 9) compare with (John 8:33).

So if you believed in Christ as your one and only savior, and left the old conception that it was necessary sacrifices, prayers, punishments, origins, charity, religion, etc., to be saved, you have reached the genuine repentance. Have you repented of fact, there was a change of mind comes from knowing the gospel Who freed from ignorance of sin.


Because you have repented genuinely now to profess the name of Christ as the only savior, you are producing the worthy fruit of repentance, that is, the fruit of lips that profess Christ as Lord (Acts 4:12; Heb 13:15 ).


An error on repentance arises from misinterpretation of the verse: “Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance” (John 3: 8), when infer that ‘fruits worthy of repentance’ refers to human behavior. Note that the fruit that John the Baptist Said says what the man professes about how one attains salvation, since then He comes to the presumption of the Pharisees and scribes.


Why what one professes (fruit) evidence if she repented or not? Because the behavior is something external, that no evidence what is in the human heart. Note that the false prophets come disguised as sheep (behavior), but inwardly they are ravening wolves, and only by their fruits (which profess) can meet them (Mt 7:15 -16).



Questions and Answers:


1) What is the thinking of the scribes and Pharisees on how to achieve salvation? (Mt 3: 9)

  1. They thought it was enough to be a descendant of Abraham (son in the flesh) to reach the divine sonship.


2) Name four examples of ‘repentance’ that does not promote salvation:

  1. Repent a fight with her husband; repent to behave poorly in school; repent not make an important decision in life; repent for having omitted helps someone.


3) What is repentance to salvation?

  1. abandon the old concepts on how to achieve salvation and accept the doctrine of Christ.


4) What the rich young man thought was needed to be saved?

  1. Do some ‘good’ to God.


5) What advice of Peter to the Jews who crucified the Lord Jesus?

  1. Repent, or abandon the concepts concerning membership in the flesh of Abraham and the law of Moses, and be baptized in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38).


6) What advice would John the Baptist gave to the scribes and Pharisees to be saved?

  1. Do not think that just say, we have a Father Abraham. Repent, or abandon this concept!


7) As the true believer produces worthy of repentance fruit?

Professing Jesus as Lord of your life according to the truth contained in the Bible.

The Salvation time

In eternity there is no salvation, if any, the fallen angels would be saved. In eternity God did not save nor save, for salvation of God is revealed for the time it is called today. Lost die following to the judgment of his works, as they are already under eternal damnation. But for those who die with Christ (when they believe), resurface a new creation where God’s purpose is fulfilled and move on to the participant eternity of life in God.

“For he saith, I have heard thee in an acceptable time and I helped you on the day of salvation, Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6: 2)


The Eternal Purpose of God

What is the eternal purpose of God? The eternal purpose of God is man’s salvation?

The doctrinal errors that have arisen over the centuries about how is salvation in Christ is because they could not identify which is the eternal purpose of God. Did not consider the promise of salvation is not eternal, since the door of salvation, which is now open, the day will close.

The purpose of God in Christ yes, this is eternal because it started in eternity and be perpetuated in eternity. Although salvation grant eternal life to those who by it are achieved in eternity there is no salvation.

Paul presented the eternal purpose of God to Christians in Ephesus: “And unveiled to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which He purposed in Christ, to converge in Christ all things, in the fullness of time, both which are in heaven and that are on earth “(Eph 1: 9 -10).

God has made known his will (cracked the mystery hidden) that proposed and consented (good pleasure), to converge in Christ all things, both which are in heaven as those on earth, so that (goal) in all He is prominent (top, sublime, preeminent).

As God ‘cracked the mystery of his will’, is no reason for the argument that the man does not understand the questions about salvation by having a finite mind. As God unlocked the mystery of his will is because man is able to fully understand their purposes.

The eternal purpose of God is specific: the preeminence of Christ over all things “He is the head of the body, the church; is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might have the preeminence “(Colossians 1:18); “And so for now, the church, the manifold wisdom of God may be known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which he did in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph 3:10 -11).

The eternal purpose is according to the sovereignty of God, and can never be revoked or invalidated by any creature, since its purpose is not based on man or something that is fleeting. That is why we hear echo: “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God for us” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Now, all the promises established by God, all meet in Christ, and He is fully committed to the glory of God that is revealed in those who are saved.

Confuse the purpose of God, which is eternal, and salvation in Christ, which is secular, has raised many doctrinal errors, for salvation is restricted to the time called ‘today’.

God saves man ‘today’, as a day of probation will close, and will be known (manifest) the judgment of God that was in Adam. Salvation is for eternity, but there is an eternal purpose to save indefinitely, since God will not save in eternity.

Salvation is for the time it is called ‘today’. The allotted time for the help of God is the ‘now’. However, the eternal purpose of God in Christ is for eternity, for the preeminence of Christ over all things is something relevant eternity.


The Eternal Purpose and Salvation

The eternal purpose that God established before the centuries times is the preeminence of Christ over all things. And what is the preeminence of Christ? The birthright of Christ among many brethren “… so that he might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom 8:29).

This is because, in addition to Christ to sit at the right hand of the Majesty on high, with all things under his feet, he was also made head of the church, which is his body. Paul shows that Christ is tied to his many brothers, so that the fullness of it fills all in all (John 1:16; Eph 1:21 -23).

To lead to the eternal purpose effect (after the counsel of his will), which is the preeminence of Christ over all things, was established in eternity the creation of man in the image and likeness of God.

It all began when he was told: “Let us make man in our image and likeness” (Gen. 1:26). The man was created perfect (image and likeness), with full freedom (From every tree thou mayest freely eat Genesis 2:16), put in a perfect place (Gen. 2:15), with a defined rule (not eat it) and essential knowledge to exercise their free will (surely die).

The man stopped trusting in God’s word and gave us his senses.

Eve saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable to make one wise (lust), disobeyed God and ate of the tree, and gave Adam, forgetting that were warned not to eat (Genesis 3 : 6).

Man sinned and was devoid of life that is in God. He went on to be (separate) dead before God. Ceased to be a partaker of life there and comes from God, establishing the enmity between God and men.

However, the fall of Adam was not an obstacle to the eternal purpose, because according to his providence, the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world in redemption of mankind (1 Peter 1: 9 -20).

All who obey the truth, that is, who believe in the gospel message, not according to their works of righteousness, but according to his own purpose and grace that is in God, are again generated spiritual men, to a living hope (1 Peter 1 : 3 and 23).

Salvation in Christ is announced to all men lost in Adam, and all who accept wonderful salvation are regenerated (recreated), according to God in true righteousness and holiness.

The eternal purpose was not stated in the carnal and earthly men, but that purpose is established in the spiritual men and belonging to heaven (1 Cor 15:45 -49).

The new man was created at peace with God, the image and likeness of him who again produced them according to the word of truth, that is incorruptible seed “is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly “(1 Cor 15:48 -49).

God saved men after his wonderful virtue (mercy) and grace “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light “(1 Peter 2: 9). He saved and post in Christians the word of reconciliation. Save was not enough, because according to the eternal purpose (which is the preeminence of Christ), He chose (elected) the saved, not unbelievers, according to His grace to be blameless and holy before him.

God saved men according to His grace and according to his eternal purpose (the preeminence of Christ), and then received by the children, according to what was predetermined ante hand. All who believe in Christ are saved and receiving divine sonship, that Christ is the firstborn among many brother. That is, if someone does not want to be a child of God must reject the gospel of grace, since all who are saved in Christ will not have another destination: are children of God according to His eternal purpose: the preeminence of Christ as the head of the church.

Now the election and predestination are according to the eternal purpose of God to converge in Christ all things. Different is salvation, which is according to His mercy, grace and love. In love, grace and mercy God rescues all men from the bondage of sin condition, and, according to his eternal purpose, these men are made sons of God, that Christ is the firstborn among many brethren.



Jesus’ ministry was to seek and to save that which was lost “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). According a’visão ‘monergistic, we can consider that the’ elected ‘and’ predestined ‘, ultimately never lost.

The theology of free grace shows that the lost never had a chance to be saved, and the chosen and predestined, never had the opportunity to get lost. Now there is a big contradiction between what Jesus said, and they preach the supporters of free grace, since Jesus came in search of what had effectively lost, and they demonstrate that some never lost, for God saved them by election and predestination before they are lost.

However, what we see in the scriptures is that all men were lost, and that Christ came to get them and save them.

It appears from the text, which effectively men were lost in Adam, and that Jesus came in search of the lost, not saved (Luke 19:10). In other words, Jesus was not in a make-believe, looking for someone who was apparently lost, but which ultimately was never lost, as the theological preach the followers of ‘free grace’.

Jesus came to save men lost as a result of a previous conviction. No contradiction! First the men lost in Adam, and then be offered by God free redemption.

God never sent men to hell as the basis of their sovereignty, like a tyrant. Before, all the men were tried and convicted in Adam. According to the condemnation in Adam is that men follow to destruction.

But God loved the world so that he gave his only begotten Son, since all were under condemnation. Now all those who die without salvation revealed the righteousness of God, for the condemned to eternal death follow “But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unjust, inflicts wrath “(Romans 3: 5).

Now the love of God in giving His Son does not invalidate his righteousness and justice: it is not because Jesus died as a ransom for all men, that those who are under condemnation will not be punished. God is no respecter of persons, the soul that sins shall die, and the culprit will not be held guiltless.

The love of God is evident from the offering of Christ on Calvary’s cross. Much more evident is love because He died for sinners. Believers is offered a new life, because “life” inherited from Adam does not hold the judgment of God: to die and be buried with Christ.

God is just, and all who are born according to the will of the flesh, blood will and the will of man, the share of earthling man nature, and are therefore condemned before God for disobedience of Adam “For as by one offense came to judgment upon all men to condemnation … “(Rom 5:18).

The salvation is offered today (now), since:

  • tomorrow does not belong to man;
  • the judgment has already occurred and all men are condemned, and needs salvation ‘today’;
  • if the conviction was in the future, only after the conviction was right offer redemption;
  • before the world was there was no offer of salvation, not by election and not by predestination.

It would be counter intuitive God grant salvation to man in order a judgment and a conviction that had not occurred. But Jesus came to seek that which was lost, because all along turned aside, there was none to seek God.

If salvation is according to election and predestination, the day on a timely manner would be in eternity, before the world was. As the ‘reasonable time’ can be today if the election and predestination is before the world began? As God is ‘here and now’ the day of salvation, if all born with a certain destination?

Jesus did not come to judge mankind because everyone was already under condemnation “Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man” (John 8:15). If Jesus declare judgment on men, would invalidate the judgment established in Eden “And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I do not judge; for I came not to judge the world but to save the world” ( John 12:47).

Jesus of course to demonstrate the conviction of the men he came to save: “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already …” (John 3:18).

It is plausible to consider that God has determined those who would be saved before the world was through its sovereignty or its omniscience, if men had not yet lost?

Now Adam was free in every way, and if he had not eaten the fruit?

But God is knowing of all things by his omniscience, however, never force Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. How to determine before hand who would be saved if someone had not even lost?

Since God no one oppresses, we have the sovereignty and God’s omniscience does not take anyone to make decisions against their own will “By Almighty can not reach; is excellent in power, but no one oppresses in court and greatness justice “(Job 37:23).

God knew that man would sin, and sovereignly did not interfere with man’s decision. Rather, God opened a new door in Christ, the last Adam, so that the descendants of the first Adam realized through the gospel message that you must decide them for salvation.

Without oppress anyone to make choices, sovereign God continues the eternal purpose to converge in Christ all make amends. That complain the man? Of his own sins! But as God predestined man to destruction, and yet the blame?

Man was created destined to sin? She was not given free will?

Now what we see is that the election and predestination refer to the eternal purpose which is the preeminence of Christ over all things, and not with regard to salvation.

Salvation is for those who are lost. Salvation (is after the destruction) is after the destruction, according to the eternal purpose, which is prior to destruction. According to the eternal purpose the Lamb was slain, that he received glory and honor above every name “What with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength and honor, and glory, and blessing “(Revelation 5:12); “And loved it all that dwell upon the earth, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life who was slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13: 8).

Salvation is not by the Lamb offer, if not all alike would be saved. The lamb supply is according to the eternal purpose, that Christ would receive power and honor above every name that is named.

Salvation is for those who become partakers of flesh and blood of the Lamb, for by faith die, are buried and resurface with Christ a new creature “For to this that Christ died and rose again, and lived again, to be Lord of both the dead and the living “(Romans 14: 9).

The death and resurrection of Christ were to establish his lordly about dead and living. But the resurrection is that the lost are refreshing “There is also like figure now saves us-baptism, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ “(1 Peter 3:21).

God did not save anyone in eternity, for salvation is for the time of men called ‘today’. ‘Now saves you’, that is, God in eternity not determined and not predestined anyone to salvation.

The apostle Paul in interpreting announced by the prophet Isaiah, who said, “Thus says the Lord: In an acceptable time I will hear thee, and in a day of salvation I will help you, and keep you, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to the land restaurardes … “(Isaiah 49: 8) shows that here and now is the accepted time of God. That is, he did not accept anyone in eternity as says ‘monergistic vision’ or ‘gospel’ second Calvin and Arminius. If God had predestined or chosen some to salvation, ‘behold, here’ would not be the time of salvation (2 Corinthians 6: 2).

This shows that in eternity established the eternal purpose of God that in all things Christ had the preeminence. According to his eternal purpose, those who believe in Christ for salvation, that is, accepting drinks the water is a source welling up to eternal life are elected and predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ, co-heirs with Christ, He and firstborn among many brethren.

In eternity there is no salvation, if any, the fallen angels would be saved. In eternity God did not save nor save, for salvation of God is revealed for the time it is called today. Lost die following to the judgment of his works, as they are already under eternal damnation. But for those who die with Christ (when they believe), resurface a new creation where God’s purpose is fulfilled and move on to the participant eternity of life in God.

That is why the apostle Paul in writing to Timothy demonstrated that God saves us in time which is called ‘today’, in acceptable time. You need to give ear to the Eternal Father invitation that the gospel presents: “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts …” (Hebrews 3: 7).

The voice of the Spirit resonates ‘today’, and those who listen can accept it or not. But those who hear and do not resist the Spirit are saved. The saved are called with a holy calling, according to the eternal purpose which is the preeminence of Christ, and are made children of God, holy and blameless “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began “(2 Tim 1: 9).

The ‘election’ is according to the eternal purpose and the ‘grace’ is granted according to Christ. But both the grace and the eternal purpose are before the world began, since they came from Christ.

God saved Paul and Timothy according to the power that is in the gospel (2 Tim 1: 8), because we know that the gospel is the power of God for all who believe (John 1:12; Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 1:24).

The apostle Paul had an argument to those who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, which is also valid for monergistas: “If men I fought against the beasts at Ephesus, what does it profit me, if the dead rise not? Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die “(1 Cor 15:19).

This argument is entirely relevant! As it is impossible to expect someone in Christ according to monergistic view, if there is no way to determine who is or is not predestined to salvation? The recommended is to eat and drink, for if you are one of those chosen for salvation will be saved. But if you do not have such luck, at least not lived in search of a dead hope.

Beloved, let us consider what the Spirit says. “For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts …” (Psalm 95: 7 -8).

The Amazing grace

The riches of grace are granted to members of Christ’s body according to the purpose that God purposed in Himself to converge all things in Christ (Eph 1:10; Eph 3:11). By establishing Christ as the head of the body, which is the church, all things converge to Christ because of the children of God like Him, Christ is prominent: the head.

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men” (Titus 2:11)

When we understand the real meaning and all the nuance there in the redemption of man, we find that define God’s grace only as ‘unmerited favor’ it constitutes a reductionism. Only emphasize that salvation is unmerited favor does not show the elements that make up the amazing grace of God that is revealed in Christ.

The reductionism occurs when we helped him only the meaning of the Greek word ‘charis’, which by itself does not show the greatness of salvation in Christ. There is some significance in the fact that it appears that, at the time of Homer, the term ‘charis’ meant’ sweetheart ‘or’ attractive ‘, and over time, the term has evolved to’ please ‘,’ good will ‘,’ goodness’, but that’s not all.

Only enumerate the number of times the word ‘charis’ appears in the New Testament also does not show the theme idea, before the primary is to consider the term in context, especially when used in connection with the idea of redemption.

It is understood that the term free is used to describe God’s willingness to be favorable to men, although they are not worthy, as we read, “Do not treat us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities” (Ps 103 : 10), however, as the grace of God shall be without blemish the righteousness of God, few know how this ‘transaction’ occurs.

As God has shown favor to sinners without compromising judgment and justice? How can He be just and the justifier?


“To show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Rom 3:26)


To measure how is the amazing grace of God is necessary to remember that all men have fallen out of favor because of one man who has sinned – Adam. Because of the offense of Adam all his descendants were made sinners, that is, born alienated from God, apart from God, unfit for His glory (Romans 5:12, 19; 1 Cor 15:21).

The misfortune that befell mankind did not take moral issues before the trespass of the one man who sinned. This means that men have become sinners (in other words, children of wrath, children of disobedience) to be descendants of the flesh of Adam, not by their drawbacks conduct in everyday social relations.

Because of Adam’s membership, all men are trained in sin and conceived in iniquity (Psalm 51: 5), so that, from the womb are separated from God, hence the name ‘wicked’.

When the Bible says that men are ‘sinners’ shows that all the children of Adam are ‘wandering’ from birth (Ps 58: 3).

In a single event (the offense of Adam), all mankind together strayed and became filthy “They have turned aside all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one “(Psalm 53: 3). Now, the interpreter needs to find good, have very clear that men do not ‘do’ unclean because they are robbers, murderers, detractors, homosexuals, liars, jealous, etc., because before all ‘together’ are heirs of the penalty imposed on Adam .

than just show up through the following statement: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). Now, the wrath of God abides on men in not believing function in Christ, and not according to behave inconveniently.


The wrath of God abides on those who do not believe, because who does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God remains son of Adam, therefore heir of wrath, a consequence of disobedience (Ephesians 2: 2 -3).

The term ‘anger’ should not be understood as an emotion or feeling angry from God. Just as Adam’s descendants are called ‘children of wrath’ to point them to the condition of subjection to sin, which does not mean that they are children of an angry feeling or an emotion, the wrath of God does not refer to a feeling before the fair compensation established for the children of Adam’s disobedience.

It is significant that, in the Bible, men are not called ‘sons of sin’, but are designated “children of disobedience ‘or’ children of wrath ‘. This is because the ‘membership’ involves two issues: a) nature, and; b) inheritance. The children are partakers of the nature and status of their parents and therefore is entitled to an inheritance.

When the Bible says that men are ‘slaves of sin’, and not ‘children of sin’ means that, despite being ‘stuck’ to the landlord of sin, there is the possibility of being free. But if the Bible said that men are ‘children of sin’, would mean that there would be no possibility of release of the children condition and, concomitantly, there would be like not receive the ‘heritage’ of this membership: anger.

Hence the maxim: ‘The son remains forever home, the slave does not’ that we abstract the answer Jesus gave to his interlocutors: “Jesus answered them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. Now the servant abideth not in the house forever; the Son abideth for ever “(John 8:34 -35), and speech Sara,” she said unto Abraham, Cast out this handmaid and her son: for the son of this handmaid will not inherit with Isaac, my son “(Gen. 21:10).

This is a sad description of how was the slave systems, since the slaves was not assigned any good or homestead, before what was liquid and certain slaves was death. Only death freed the slaves of their masters, as well as her husband’s death becomes free the woman (Rom 6: 7; Romans 7: 2).

When it is said that men are ‘children of wrath’ means that there is no escaping the condition that it is relevant and not the ‘heritage’ that fateful receive. When it is said that men are ‘slaves of sin’, the story changes, because there is still hope: the possibility to get rid of the slave condition.

Adam was not generated from sin before God created. When he sinned, Adam ceased to be free and went to the slave condition of sin. One can not say that Adam is the son of sin because, in fact, it was created by God forbid. The form of a servant came only when the offense, and therefore death.

Regarding the existence, Adam was created by God. About sin Adam became servant. Regarding the anger has become child because according to the offense would not pass him the established penalty: death. As death is certain, the man is taken by children of wrath, for it can not get rid of the penalty established as a result of disobedience.

The possibility

But as the man no longer is possible ‘sinner’?

As slavery is a picture of subjection of man to the landlord of sin, the answer to the man leave the bondage of sin is dying!

In antiquity, the slaves who did not reach freedom during the course of its existence only would be free from the yoke of bondage when they died, because they were trapped for life to their owners because of the law. Only the death of the slave bondage cut the link established by law, and only the death of a spouse interrupts the wedding bond “Know ye not, brethren (for I speak to them that know the law), that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives “(Rom 7: 1).

The fear of death was what kept the slaves subject to servitude for life, since the preservation instinct of self existence spoke louder. It was enough to give out of their lives to get rid of serfdom, however, the fear of death which prevented “And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Heb 2:15) .

Death is different from down to dust

The man is dead for disobeying what was established in Eden: “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die “(Genesis 2:16 -17).

When Adam ate the fruit of the knowledge of good tree and died immediately of evil, that is, communion with God was cut and became subject to a new master: sin. The man (male and female) died to God, the one person who had communion.

After the man had died to God, God established the pain in the woman’s conception and that man would eat the sweat of his brow until he returned to the dust of the ground, being established physical death, when men lose communion with your loved ones .

While in Eden before the offense, Adam was alive to God and sin had not yet entered the world. After sinning, Adam died to God, and went to live in sin. Those who live to sin are dead to God, and vice versa. If the man go down to the dust without Christ, will forever be separated from God.

fair Enough

When the Bible says that God is just, to say that God is the absolute measure of righteousness and equity. This attribute is observed by several factors such as:

  1. a) God does not lie;
  2. b) God does not change;
  3. c) The culprit is not held guiltless;
  4. d) The penalty is merely the offender’s person;
  5. d) Do not accept bribes;
  6. e) His laws are expressions of His nature;
  7. f) No one oppresses.

The righteousness and justice of God was found in the Eden when God gives a commandment to the first man in a perfect place, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of good and evil knowledge, you shall not eat ; for in the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die “(Genesis 1:16 -17).

The commandment in Eden is holy and just and good because it was implied freedom of man (Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat …), and the care of God (… but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die).

The order prohibits the man of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for the consequences (surely die), and not by oppression. The commandment was intended to preserve the freedom and the communion between the Creator and the creature, impart the necessary information so that the man could be guided.

The word of God is the true expression (of what is real, what is effective), so that when a man has exercised its freedom and ate from the tree of knowledge, the consequences been affected: the man has become alienated from God (dead) and, depending on what was intrinsic to the tree of knowledge of good and evil the man has become like God (knowledge of good and evil).

God is immutable, can not lie and His word will not return void “In hope of eternal life, which God, that can not lie, promised before the world began” (Titus 1: 2); “If we are faithless, he remains faithful: he can not deny himself” (2 Tim 2:13).

If God returned back on his word remaining in communion with the man after the offense, God would not be strong, faithful, just and immutable. First for failing to comply with his word being firm and faithful. Secondly, due to the first, would be overwhelming the man who, by eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil tree, clearly demonstrated that he did not trust in God and did not want to remain in communion with him.

Keep the man in communion after the offense would be arbitrary and oppressive from God. If the penalty was not applied the word of God would cease to be true, so it would be trustworthy. As trust who did not order his word


As the man disobeyed, the penalty could not pass the man, as if another suffer the penalty in place of the transgressor there would be justice because correct is the soul that sins suffer the consequences “And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, I will blot out of my book “(Ezekiel 32:33); “The soul that sins shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20).

It is for this reason that God says, “Keep thee far from words of falsehood, and not kill the innocent and righteous: for I will not justify the wicked” (Ex 23: 7). If God declared the just wicked, would never be fair.

Note that God never exterminate the righteous with the wicked when you run judgment: “far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, that the righteous should be as the wicked, far from thee not the Judge of all. the earth? “(Genesis 18:25).

Now, before approaching the solution given to the condition of man in subjection to the gracious way of sin, first it is necessary to understand how you solved the problem of God declare righteous the wicked “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness “(Romans 4: 5).

Before God justify man first met His righteousness “To show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Rom 3:26). What justice was satisfied? The established by law granted in Eden that is holy, just and good, because it follows that the soul that sins shall die. Hence the maximum: the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and as all sinned by being in the thigh of Adam, all were subject to sin, because of death “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law “(1 Cor 15:56).

Since Adam sinned and sin entered the world, all are dead in trespasses and sins, because all sinned. All men are alienated from God, and if go down to the dust, following the judgment of the great white throne lost for all eternity (Eph 2: 1; Rom 3:23; Rom 5:12).

This reality was described by John the Baptist in this way: “And now also the ax is laid to the root of the trees: every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 3:10), one rereading the words announced by the prophet Isaiah: “A voice said, Cry; And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all its beauty as the flower of the field. Dried grass, and the flower falls, blowing it the Spirit of the Lord. Surely the people are grass. Dried grass, and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever “(Isaiah 40: 6-8).

Without exception, all the descendants of Adam are subject to the penalty established in Eden, alienated from God, so are torn: “But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up” (Mt. 15:13).

The first action of God just to redeem man was to replace Adam’s disobedience by the obedience of the last Adam (Christ). Without the act of substitution: obedience for disobedience, there would never be justice and redemption, for a disobeyed and many have sinned, it follows that if one obeyed, many would be justified (Rom 5:15). If one brought death, only for it would be possible to abolish the death establishing life “But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and brought to light life and immortality through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:10).

Without the act of substitution, obedience for disobedience, there would never be a means of salvation that does not rescind righteous nature of God “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous” (Rom 5:19).

This replacement act, obedience for disobedience, could only be made by someone free of sin, as well as free was the first man. To be the act of substitution, the Eternal Word that was with God and that everything created was made flesh and dwelt among men. In all became like men, subject to the same afflictions and weaknesses (Heb 2:18).

Adam disobeyed in a perfect environment contradicting a single order: “… you shall not eat. ‘The eternal Word when in the flesh, despite the sufferings, weaknesses and temptations fulfilled all righteousness, ie abrogate anything the law or the prophets (Matthew 5:17). The obedience of Christ is demonstrated in the fact that he died in the order of the Father and of death cross “And being found in human form, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, death on a cross” (Phil 2: 8; Heb 5: 8).

By solving the problem of justice through the obedience of Christ (Heb 10: 9 -10), since Jesus was obedient in all, through the flesh of Christ, God opened a new and living way which the man had access to he “by a new and living way opened for us through the veil, that is, His flesh” (Heb 10:20).

The way was opened through obedience, and not because of a sacrifice, because of Christ God said, “So, coming into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body hast thou prepared me” (Hebrews 10: 5). It is a mistake to understand that salvation was due to Christ volunteer to offer his body in sacrifice for Christ body offer the actually took place in obedience to the command of the Father. Salvation is given by obedience of Christ, who according to the will of the Father poured out his soul unto death “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself;. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it This command I received from my father “(Jn 10:18).

When you hear the good news of salvation and believe that Jesus is the Christ, the sinner dies with Christ and is buried. The penalty established is but the offender’s person, as to believe took up his own cross and follow after Christ. By believing in the gospel the sinner becomes a partaker of flesh and blood of Christ, so that is in accordance with Christ in his death.

But the obedience of Christ replaces the disobedience of Adam, and the flesh of Christ has become a new and living way of free access to God, through the death and resurrection of Christ. What still needs to man’s redemption?

Missing man die in sin satisfying the provisions of law granted in Eden.

If the man falls to the dust without believing in Christ, goes to eternity lost, but if the man believes that Christ is the Son of God according to the Scriptures, dies with Christ and is buried with Him (Romans 6: 3 -8) .

In the death of the sinner to Christ’s righteousness commandment in Eden is satisfied, because the death of Christ is substitutionary only in relation to the cross of Calvary, however, all believers become partakers of flesh and blood of Christ, ie effectively crucify the body of sin and its lusts, die and are buried.

But as it is established that the man must die, that God is just and his word stand firm when man believes in Christ dies and is buried with Christ.

The man who was alive to sin and dead in trespasses and sins to God after dying with Christ, shall live unto God. The believer in Christ dies to sin, so the righteousness of God is established and the man is freed from his former master, sin.

The amazing grace

“To show in the coming ages the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” (Eph 2: 7)

The Christian must understand how significant is to have no contradiction between grace and justice of God. In our days are few Christians who can discern good that there is no contradiction in just God declare righteous the wicked.

It is the word of God that guarantees justification to those who believe in Christ, however, there would be some injustice in God if there were no redemption for man. Again, when a man dies with Christ, the righteousness of God is satisfied, because it fulfills the word that was established: “… surely die,” and there would be some injustice if only the community was established in eternity and not the man risen with Christ.

This is where the grace of God is wonderful evidence, as to believe in Christ the man alienated after death makes deserved to have fellowship with the Creator, that is, quickened and rises a new creature in Christ to be “Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved), and raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus “(Eph 2: 5 -6).

When the believer dies with Christ, the body is dead, because the bond with sin is only broken by the death of those who served sin, however, although the body was crucified, is quickened by the Spirit of God “And, if Christ is in you, the body indeed is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him that raised up from the dead Jesus is in you, he who from the dead raised Christ also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you “(Romans 8:10 -11).

Hence the Pauline considerations: “For the love of Christ compels us, because we thus judge, that if one died for all, therefore all died” (2 Cor 5:14). The body belonged to sin to have been generated corruptible seed of Adam to be crucified (by faith in Christ) is cause for abandoning the old man and the bond break with sin (Romans 6: 6). All who believe actually die with Christ, so that no one should refer to the second relevant issues flesh of sin (2 Corinthians 5:16).

It was common for Christians remember the man Christ, however, did not understand that the man who was crucified, God highly exalted him, gave him a name which is above every name, subjecting Him all things (Hebrews 2: 8).

It was common to early Christians make reference to questions of meat, such as: – “I am a Hebrew of Hebrews”; Other: – “I am Roman blood, not because I bought Roman citizenship”; And still those: – “I am aware because the philosophy has its birthplace in Greece”, etc.

Hence the imperative: to no one according to the flesh, for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ, a new time and a new life, so there were no more Jews, Greek, slave, free, male, female, etc. (Gal 3:26 -29).

The body belonged to sin is also called vessel unto dishonor, will the vessel prepared for destruction (Romans 9:21 -22). Now every man that cometh into the world go by Adam, the wide door, created out of clay by God’s power, however, because of Adam’s seed, the end product of clay (vessel) is dishonor, as in Adam vessels are to wrath fitted to destruction.

Note that when the apostle speaks of the creative power of God to bring man into existence emphasizes that God has power over the clay, not on the vessel. About clay God has power, and makes vessels to honor and dishonor, but what determines the honor and dishonor of the vessels are created: the first and the last Adam – Adam and Christ.

The amazing grace is that God, having power over the clay, using the same mass as the vessels to dishonor were created to make vessels unto honor. The body of sin that was to be ruled by the spirit of God that dwells in it, it becomes a vessel of mercy, created to honor “Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor? And What if God, willing to show his wrath and to make known his power, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And that he might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory “(Romans 9:21 -23).

To resurrect those who believe in Christ God creates (bara) fair, and then declares what is the condition of the new born: Fair. Therein lies the essence of justification: God only declares the righteous man when man is created anew in righteousness and true holiness (Eph 4:24).

The old man is never justified (declared righteous), because God never justifies the ungodly. However, when a man dies with Christ the righteousness of God is satisfied, and the power of His word, which is incorruptible seed, God makes his plantation that will never be uprooted, for the word of God abideth for ever, as well as that the word are generated (Mt 15:13; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 John 2:17).

The riches of grace

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men …” (Titus 1:11)


After emphasizing the need for Christians to have an acceptable behavior in society, that is, carrying up so as not to give scandal to Jews, Greeks nor the church of God, the apostle Paul gives the reason: the grace of God in Christ brought salvation to all men!

Christians should not be cause for scandal (shame) and should not be ashamed of the gospel, the testimony of Christ (2 Tim 1: 8), it is through the gospel, which is the power of God and the word of reconciliation, that man is saved “… by the power of God that saved us …” (2 Timothy 1: 9); “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth …” (Rom 1:16); “That is, God was in Christ reconciling the world, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:19).

When we speak of redemption, salvation, justification, sanctification, forgiveness, new life, regeneration, we approach the amazing grace of God in Christ Jesus demonstrated, for graciously man is called (καλέσαντος / Kaleo) out of darkness into the marvelous light of God, and those who believe are transported out of darkness into the kingdom of the Son “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2: 9); “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of His Son love” (Col 1:13).

Many are called (κλητοί = cognate term derived from Kaleo) but few are chosen, ie, many hear the gospel invitation, but few are those who hear and believe. Many are asked to enter through the narrow door, but there are few who meet the call (Mt 7:13).

All that we address here refers to the amazing grace of God, announced from the Old Testament, which is participating all men at all times believe in God who announced redemption “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered “(Romans 4: 7).

But those who believe during the time called fullness of the Gentiles (Rom 11:25), or the fullness of time (Gal 4: 4; Eph 1:10), and the wonderful grace, there are the riches of grace, for it is given to believers an inheritance. In addition to the believers in Christ are saved by God’s mercy through the washing of regeneration and renewal in order that they were declared righteous, we were also heirs of God, coerdeiros with Christ (Titus 3: 7; Romans 8:17; Romans 8:32 ).

The call (κλητοί = cognate term derived from Kaleo) the gospel is an invitation to salvation, and saved in Christ by the power of God (Gospel) are ‘called to a holy life’ (καλέσαντος κλήσει). The call through the gospel was given the fullness of time, since the call to a holy life occurred in eternity (before the world began).

While the call for gospel seeks the salvation of man, the holy life has in view the very purpose that God purposed in Christ.

The wealth of grace is that all who believe in Christ, and are transported to the kingdom of the Son, no longer have another destination unless they are children of God so that Christ might be the firstborn among many brethren (Rom 8:29) .

According to the eternal purpose that God purposed in Christ to make Him firstborn among many brethren is that God established before the world began (predestined) that all who were partakers of flesh and blood of Christ through the church, would be conformed to the image of Jesus, that is, like Him (1 John 3: 1 -2).

God not only predestined members of Christ’s body, the church, as elected them also before the world began to be holy and blameless before God (Ephesians 1: 3). Of condemnation, God’s children are susceptible because they are partakers of the divine nature (1 Peter 1: 4).

Now, the riches of grace are granted to members of Christ’s body according to the purpose that God purposed in Himself to converge all things in Christ (Eph 1:10; Eph 3:11). By establishing Christ as the head of the body, which is the church, all things converge to Christ because of the children of God who are like Him, He is prominent: the head.