Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden?

“If He does not want that to happen, why put that tree in the middle of the garden – and not outside the walls of Paradise *” Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo Coelho. For Mari, character in the novel ‘Veronika Decides to Die’, the writer Paulo Coelho, expulsion from the Garden of Eden of the couple was arbitrary and without legal basis “… Just for breaking the arbitrary Law, without any legal grounds not eat fruit of good and evil “Ditto. However, the above question can be formulated without fear of any punishment, or Who is committing a sacrilege or blasphemy. Aim to know why God put the tree of good and evil knowledge in the midst of the garden without any barrier that prevented the man to Access it, however, is well advised to note that the act of asking a question, and depending on Who asks the question, can house the most varied in their intentions bulge.

Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden?

This question should not be done only by atheists, skeptics, magicians, spiritualists, and other currents of secular thinkers, but it must be done mainly by Christians. I do not mean ‘Christians’ with fulcrum through religion, morality, or formality, but those Who actually believe in the doctrine of Christ.

The question can be formulated without fear of any punishment, or Who is committing a sacrilege or blasphemy. Aim to know why God put the tree of good and evil knowledge in the midst of the garden without any barrier that prevented the man to Access it.

But is it wise to note that the act of asking a question, and depending on who asks the question, can house the most varied in their intentions bulge.

To understand this peculiarity own questions, let us return to the event in Eden:

The ‘snake’ asked a question to the woman, “Has God indeed Said, ‘you shall not eat of every tree of the garden” (Gen. 3: 1). The ‘snake’ wanted to know, or to question the divine ordinance? What perspective motivated the questioner?

Notice what the cunning ‘snake’ could with the question put to her,

  • He called Eve’s attention to the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil tree;
  • emphasized the Idea of a ban exacerbated, misplaced and that never existed;
  • Did the woman feel self-assured by demonstrating the ‘snake’ superior knowledge;
  • Therefore, the woman did fail to take refuge in God’s Word, and;
  • He got the opportunity to expose the lie that produced the mistake.

The question, ‘Why did God put the tree in the middle of the garden’ is relevant and must be made when you have the desire to know, however, depending on the context, or the time it is made, can be used to flatten. Please Note:

“If He does not want that to happen, why put that tree in the middle of the garden – and not outside the walls of Paradise *” Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo Coelho, São Paulo, Publisher Earth Brazil, 2006, Page 108. .

When faced with questions like this one is well advised to check what the motivation behind it:

  1. a) desire to know, or;
  2. b) urge to criticize, to flatten, etc.?

Another point to be considered refers to the emotional state of the questioner.

The question on screen should be made, however, one should not disown it only the emotional imbalance moments. Why question the divinity of reasons only when you are not well off, when you lose a relative, when it comes out of a frustrating relationship, when depressed, when in fatalities, catastrophes, etc.?

If the questioner wants to get to the truth can not be compromised emotionally.

It is known that one of the problems modern science is the tool, ie the analytical tool of certain scientific events. How to analyze an atom without the analysis tool interfere with the dynamics of the atom? If analyzed by a microscope, the light itself jutting into the atom will not interfere in what is watching, interfering with the measurement and diagnosis? By introducing certain dyes in cells to see it, do not interfere with the dynamics of their compounds?

They Will say an analysis which depends solely of logical relations, the person seeking an answer is committed emotionally? If the questions, the basis for any search of knowledge, already beset with biased elements arise?

It follows that, if a person is emotionally compromised, you will hear only what you want to hear, and see only what you want to see. Thus, we have a true statement of the popular saying: “The blind as those who will not see.”

Since the devil asked the question to the woman, “Has God indeed Said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden” (Gen. 3: 1), emphasizing a ban that effectively did not exist, many thinkers only hear and see in the ordinance God gave man a ban. Even accuse God to cause the man to disobedience, or that God invented the punishment.

But what God Said to man? Do atheists have read what God Said? Do the critics opened and effectively read the book containing the records of what God Said?

Notice what God Said, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat…” (Gen 2:16). What God emphasized? God stressed that the man was free, and it could act at Will. Adam could freely eat of every tree of the garden, however, the ‘snake’ emphasized the woman only a ban.

It is surprising that in any charge against God cite his words as recorded in Genesis, especially, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat…” (Gen 2:16). Usually label the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil tree only ‘forbidden fruit’. And the fruit has never been ‘banned’ because of all the trees man could eat ‘freely’.

Induction of ‘snake’ obscures the truth to those Who take delight in manifest that they like their hearts. Wrong to amalgamate the biased question of ‘snake’ divine ordinance, and interpret it only as prohibition. Well the preacher Said: “The fool has no delight in wisdom, but only to manifest what pleases your heart” (Proverbs 18: 2).

What is evident in the divine ordinance? God giving Adam the exercise of free Will!

God put the tree of good and evil knowledge in the midst of the garden, without any barrier that prevented man to eat of its fruit to give you freedom.

If the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not placed among the other trees of Eden, Adam was effectively free? There is freedom when there are no limits? How to design freedom without an established reference?

There are no limits to God? It is understood that God is free, but He can not lie. God can not go back on his word. He can not promise and fail to comply! Although God is God, submits to his Word! However, He is the ultimate expression of freedom!

Freedom is not in doing what is vetoed before is the ability to reject or not prohibited.

Without the tree and without divine warning there would be no exercise of freedom, and the man is linked to God even against their Will. The rule (freely) and the exception (but) go together to be feasible the exercise of freedom (Gen. 2:16 -17). All garden trees could be sampled freely, but, man should consider that if he ate of the tree of good and evil knowledge, would bear the consequences (separation from God).

Though created free, there would be no reason for such freedom if Adam did not have the real possibility to exercise it. What is freedom without the possibility of being enslaved? Choose the forbidden is not really freedom because it does not reside in prohibited before, the possibility of rejecting something feasible: servitude.

Just as communion with God (life) is antagonistic condition of sale of the glory of God (death), to be with God is freedom, and alienated from Him slavery to sin.

Only where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom, so only God man is free and lives (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Adam did not try the fruit to be free, because to try it, passed the condition of arrested, submitting to their own decision.

At some point Adam was pressured to make a decision?

Freedom is patent, clear, for Adam was not coerced into making any decisions. He was free, because there was not any kind of oppression that would force him to make a decision.

Adam did not know the consequences of their actions? He did not have the knowledge to make a decision? It would be a blessing ignorance?

The struggle for information, rejecting any political regime that violates the right to information is a Constant for humanity over the centuries. But why accuse disobedience induction of God for granting a right so dear to Adam when informed of the consequences of their actions?

Man is free only when you know the consequences of their actions. Man is free when you are allowed to make decisions. Man is free when you have the knowledge to make their own decisions.

The divine ordinance was in no way arbitrary, rather than any legal system that man has ever invented. The divine ordinance is the most sublime expression of the spirit of the Law: it aimed to preserve the most important assets of man – the life and freedom.

While not eat fruit from the tree, Adam would remain alive (united with God), because the result was clear: surely die (alienation from God). While refrain from the tree of knowledge of good and evil Adam would remain free, but after eating, make would be a prisoner of your own decision.

For Mari, character in the novel ‘Veronika Decides to Die’, the writer Paulo Coelho, expulsion from the Garden of Eden of the couple was arbitrary and without legal basis “… Just for breaking the arbitrary Law, without any legal grounds not eat fruit of good and evil “Ditto.

It is inconceivable that someone, and use as an example the arguments of Mari character, linked to a legal system that is drawn up so that ordinary people do not understand the requirements, and this regime sustains the principle that no one can claim ignorance of the law , question that there was arbitrariness in the ordinance of Eden.

There would be arbitrary if God legislate for their own benefit, but the ordinance given to Adam was intended solely to preserve what belonged to the man. Make someone criminally liable, even when unaware of the Law, is to legislate for the benefit of the law, not the subordinate of law.

There is nothing in that margin to accuse God of arbitrariness, but the accusers want to put the divine ordinance in suspension, even living under a legal system that navigates the lower principles of divine ordinance. While the divine ordinance aimed to preserve the two most precious things that was given to man, the legal systems of today are proposed to mediate conflicts of interest, being eminently punitive. For example: kill someone comes down to a sentence of imprisonment.

The accusation that God invented the punishment through the ordinance given to Adam is based on a simplistic logic without even investigate the facts described in the Bible “God (…). On the contrary, wrote the Law and found a way to convince someone to break it, Just to be able to invent Punishment “idem.

“And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of good and evil knowledge, you shall not eat; for in the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die “(Genesis 2:16 -17).

What is the consequence of man’s decision to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil? Death. The death from which God made reference was not the end of the vital functions of the body, because when referring to physical death of man He uses the term ‘return to dust’.

If there was only Adam and Eve in Eden, they would die for whom? The decision to eat the fruit would result in alienation, a barrier between God and men. Only the term “death” to describe the ‘new’ condition relevant to man after the fall.

When God warned: ‘you shall not eat’, was signaling that if man no longer wished to relate to and depend on the Creator (life), which avail herself of the knowledge of good and evil fruit. As the man was free, if not most wanted to live in the care dependency and knowledge of the Lord, could ‘be’ apart from Him (death).

After eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, man has become like God, knowing good and evil. The enmity barrier was erected (death, separation, alienation…), and the man went on to play by the knowledge acquired.

God no one oppresses (Job 37:23), and tempt anyone with evil (James 1:13), therefore, the fall of man did not come from the Creator. It was the man Who launched the presence of the Creator.

After eating the fruit and die (alienation), the man became a slave to be his own decision. Although to be like God, knowing good and evil, was alienated God, therefore, was asked to hold their own. When shared the glory of God, the man was not as God, knowing good and evil, but God came from all things. Of every tree of the garden that was planted by the Lord the man could eat freely, with the fall, man was in possession of the necessary knowledge and needed to keep the sweat of his Brow (Gen. 3:19).

The condition of Adam equates to the son Who manages his father’s emancipation: stand by themselves. When He was acquainted enough till and tend the garden of God, now, out of the garden, the land was put to produce thorns and thistles, so that man provesse their livelihood through the sweat of his Brow (Gen. 3:18). The work was not punishment, because the man worked since it was put in the garden.

The man became ‘independent’ after the fall, and was cast out of the Garden of Eden to initiate their toil plowing a land “difficult” that produce sweat according to the measure of man’s work (Gen. 3:23). Note that there is a big difference between ‘freedom’ (life) and ‘independence’ (death). When it is free, there is an established relationship between the parties, but when establishing independence, relations are cut off.

Before the fall man was free to decide whether or remained separated himself from the Creator. After the fall, became a slave of his own decision because it does not have the means to return to the Creator. Although many seek back to the Creator on their own, are doomed to failure.

Back to live is only possible through the Creator himself, pointing lovingly through his Word. As the man did not give credit (believed) the Word that was it for life, the only way the man back to life is to believe in the Word of the Incarnate Word – Christ, Who in Eden was related to ‘teofanicamente’ with Adam.

That is why Christ says: “He Who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water flow from within him” (John 7:38). Just believe the Scriptures! You do not need like Eve did, that instead of believing in the word of the express image of God, sought to strengthen its word “And the woman said to the serpent, Of the fruit of garden trees eat, but of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die “(Gen. 3: 2 -3).

It was enough to believe the Word of the Lord Who told them that ‘surely die’ if would use the freedom they had, and eat of the tree of good and evil knowledge. Induced by the serpent, Eve upset the ordinance, which emphasized freedom, alert and careful, making it a ‘Law’ strictly prohibitive: “Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die” (Gen. 3: 3).

Where there is only one ‘Law’ prohibitive in place of the ordinance that promotes freedom, the lust works in man, as to understand the freedom of the ordinance as strictly a commandment (Law), sin operates every lust. For example: Eva looked and saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable to make one wise (As she considered the ordinance as strictly being a commandment, sin through the commandment worked every lust), she resorted the fruit and ate.

Even if the ban (law) is not sin, man knows only lust when faced with the ban (law). Freedom ‘of every tree thou mayest freely eat’ sin was dead, the same as living without Law, because the Law (prohibition) has only rationale for the transgressors (1 Tim 1: 9), while the ordinance about the care free. Only prohibition ‘shall not eat of it’, sin think occasion, because it ends up working every lust.

While there was freedom man lived, but the ban ‘Eat not of it’, the lust led to the sin that brought death. Note that the commandment which was for life, became death. The command (ordinance) is holy, just and good, and the law (prohibition) santa, however, sin found occasion in the ordinance is killed the man. Sin found only occasion because, induced by the question of the serpent, Eve understood that the ordinance was confined strictly a prohibitive law, and through the commandment ‘thou shalt not eat’, sin deceived her and killed her.

Therefore, any reading the scriptures must understand that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, but the law alone worketh wrath: for sin will always find occasion in the law through lust.

The Law is only imposed on offenders (1 Tim 1: 9), and because of the transgressors (Gal 3:19). Both the Law, “eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat” (Genesis 3:11), as the law of Moses were added because of transgression, because it operates the wrath of God, instead of care ordinance, which is justified for the righteous (1 Tim 1: 9).

To win the ‘snake’, Eva was enough to stick to the divine ordinance as Christ did when He Said, “It is written not by Bread alone does man live, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mt 4 : 4). There’s a difference between:

  • What did God say, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of good and evil knowledge, you shall not eat; for in the Day you eat thereof, you shall surely die “(Genesis 2:16 -17);
  • What Eve said, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden eat, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die” (Gen. 3: 2 -3) .

She forgot that all the trees could eat freely, which led to a mistaken conclusion: “You shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it…”.

While today’s legal system pursues the offender to impose the prescribed punishment, the ordinance of Eden only put man aware of the consequences of their actions. God did not pursue the man to punish him before the man suffered the consequences of its decision so ate the fruit.

While the snake made the knowledge of good and evil as attractive to humans eating the fruit, only God warned that if she ate the fruit, the man would establish a barrier between man and God (death, sin, alienation, slavery).

If God put a barrier between man and the tree of good and evil knowledge, establish a relationship of distrust between Creator and creature. Today skeptics accuse not God make a ‘vote’ of confidence in man. IF there was a barrier between man and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, would argue that at some point the man was free.

What do we see? What is the purpose of the questions that are being raised today? Seek information or want to flatten God?

There inducement to crime, disobedience, rebellion the following ordinance?

“The LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of good and evil knowledge, you shall not eat, for in the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:16 -17).

  • God emphasizes complete freedom – “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat…”;
  • Formal notice without inducing a decision: “… but of the tree of good and evil knowledge, thou shalt not eat…”;
  • Alert motivation, knowledge needed for a decision: “… for in the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die”;
  • Consequence of the decision: “… surely die”;
  • Well ‘legal’ to be ‘tutored’: life and liberty.

If the bible recount that God left the tree without warning in the garden, and planted among other similar trees, and unwittingly man ate the fruit and died, accuse God of being silent, unfair and without love for his creatures.

Mari, after questioning the motivation of God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden, satirizes the narrative of the events after the fall of man and suggests that God was being sadistic:

“When the Law was broken, God – the Almighty Judge – even simulated a pursuit, as if they know all the possible hiding places. With the angels watching and amusing themselves with the prank (life for them also must be very upset, since Lucifer had left Heaven), He started walking. Mari thought like that Bible passage would make a beautiful scene in a thriller: the steps of God, looks scared that the couple exchanged among themselves, the legs suddenly stopped next to the cache “Ditto.

What Mari lawyer of the novel is, many do on a Day-to-day. Use their Professional knowledge, or their academic training to flatten what they do not understand.

The steps of God in Eden would a scene in a thriller? God has feet? God simulated a pursuit? God was sadistic?

Legal knowledge, historical and even scientific insufficient to assess the questions above. But if you have Bible knowledge, there is no obstacle in any Bible passage.

Generally the unwary viewing this stretch of the bible God in his glory and majesty, however, forget that in the Bible there are numerous theophany events. Theophany is a theological concept of nature which means the manifestation of God in any place, thing or person. The events counted most striking refers to the people of Abraham (Genesis 18: 1 -2) and Moses (Ex 3: 2 -6).

But the most important theophany occurred in Eden because Adam was created from dust from the ground and was related directly with the Express image of God – Christ. Who is the Express image of God? The writer to the Hebrews says, Christ, the Son of God (Heb 1: 2 -3). Jesus is the Express image of God, heir of all things, and through him the world was made, including the creation of Adam (Proverbs 30: 4).

When God Said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26), the express image of God was in charge of this task. As God created man in his own image? The express image of the invisible God, the eternal Word who was to embody, also responsible for all creation, created man as her figure (Gen. 1:27; Rom 5:14).

Recalling that the figure is not the very image of the things, we have only glorified Christ is the image and likeness of God, and only men Who reappear with him reach the eternal purpose established in Eden that is to man as the image of Christ, according to the vision of Christ, Who is the express image of God (Gen. 1:27).

God created man in the image of Christ as the One Who is like Him, that is, as his Son. And as the man was made in the image of the Son of God? The Son of God (image of God) created it. That is, so God created man the image of his Son, the Son created (Gen. 1:27).

That is why God formed (hands) the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his (breath) into the nostrils (mouth) (Gen. 2: 7). Moreover, planted a garden in Eden, and there he put the man, that is not the very image (expressed) before a figure of Christ, who is the express (exact) image of God.

The Lord Jesus used his hands to make a helper for Adam (Genesis 2:21), spoke to the couple (Gen. 3: 8), and made clothes for both (Gen. 3:21). Or Adam did not hide because He heard footsteps before because He heard the voice of the express image of God. They hid because I did not want God (theophany = Express image of God) saw them without costumes.

As Christ appeared to Abraham, also appeared and was related to Adam, Who was his figure “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my Day: and He saw it and was glad” (John 8:56; Rom 5:14).

For those Who do not understand these events, it seems comical an all-powerful God look for a couple in the garden of Eden, but Adam was related to the express image of God, for he received from him the ordinance. Sometimes the Lord visited the couple in the garden, did so in theophany, not unfading glory.

The visitation of the Lord was not with a voice of thunder, as observed in other appearances, before Adam spoke to someone Who was his equal, like him. After the fall, God spoke again with Adam as He always had, and not with fire, lightning, thunder and thick darkness to terrify him.

Now when God called them to finish the Day, the couple decided to hide. Far from God simulated a pursuit, before the couple is that set out to hide. Finally, to request them again: “Where are you?” Adam said their follies and the shame of being naked.

The man has become like God, knowing good and evil (Gen. 3:22). Adam and Eve reached the ‘snake’ told them (Gen. 3: 5), however, made use of alienation from God.

It was not God who imposed to men thousands of rules and laws they have. The need for rules and laws is something very nature of man.

Even before sin, when asked by the serpent, Eve exacerbated the divine ordinance: “Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die” (Gen. 3: 3). Men for yourself are laws, because they create laws, rules and revel in moral issues. Pune any that do not fit into its rules.

God created the naked man and gave them no law against nudity, but the man felt ashamed of himself, and decided on its own motion to cover themselves (Gen. 3: 7).

Why flatten God, if everything He created was good? “But, O man, Who art thou that to God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? “(Romans 9:20 -21)?.

The igniters only see the divine ordinance a means invented by God to punish the man, however, what legal system model is wait to punish man: the current legal systems, or the ordinance of Eden? Something is preventive in the legal system today?

Finally, we emphasize the need to ask questions, however absurd they may seem at first if we are interested in knowledge, however, when bombarded by a question, review the intent of the questioner.

After clarifying the intent of the questioner, if you are unsure, look for the answer in the Bible, as the apostle James was clear when he said: “Now if any of you lack wisdom, ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach and will be given “(James 1: 5).

The origin of Satan, the ‘father of lies’

When you understand that Satan desired God’s position, many questions remain silent. But when it is understood that Satan sought to achieve the likeness of the Almighty, many questions arise. What is the likeness of the Almighty? What’s in the likeness of the Almighty would allow the covering cherub anointed have a superior position to the angels? “I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14); “Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness …” (Gen. 1:26) .Observe that what Satan brought achieve, God gave to man: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’!

Analyzing generically, lying there in the light of truth, that is, it arises in an attempt to silence the truth.

But even that a lie told often does not become a fact she said by many turns into consensus.

A consensus is observed in this example saying that someone has left written on the door of a church: “Every man wants to be king, and every king wants to be God …”.

The question remains: Everyone wants a kingdom? All the kings want to be a god? We know that generalizing is a risk that affects what is true, and therefore, we can not generalize our propositions.

However, this proverb, to be repeated by many, turned out to become a consensus, it does not correspond to objective reality.


The intent of Satan

Already accustomed to hear that Satan wanted to be like God. Longtime has been spread about the fallen angel who pride led to his fall, this is because, at heart, brought to be equal with God.

Within this same line of thought about what led to Satan’s fall, there are some variants: he wanted to take the place of God; he wanted for himself the worship which belongs to God; he sought a kingdom itself; he wanted to exalt himself taking on all existing power, usurping the basis divinity Throne.

Is this true? Would this be possible? It is feasible to achieve creature be equal to the Creator? Was there any chance of Satan take the place of God? We are facing a real or a concert?

Satan wanted to be equal with God is a consensus, as well as many claim. It remains to verify that the consensus true.

Satan was created by God as all other beings in the universe. It was created and put in the highest position in the celestial order: he was anointed cherub guard, perfect in his ways, beautiful and wise. In the celestial order, he was at the top of the hierarchy (Ez 28:12).


The abyss

Despite the high position of the anointed guardian cherub was an unbridgeable gulf between him and the Creator, so that in his heart he recognized that God is unattainable and unmatched by appointing him as the Most High.

The creature can never match up to the Creator. Although Satan was at the top of the celestial hierarchy, the distance between creator and creature is insurmountable. The same unbridgeable gap that prevents men as creatures to bear the Creator condition, is the gulf that exists between the angels and God.

The Bible shows that only God is Creator. This is a center that only God is and will be for eternity. At the other extreme, the creatures, which contained countless heavenly hosts and land. For higher it is the creature, it remains creature, and could never overcome the barrier that exists between the Creator and creature.

We must not confuse the hierarchy in the universe: God, angels, men and animals, with the positions: Creator and creatures. About this fact the Bible says:

“For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD “(Psalm 89: 6).

These questions are relevant to the topic at hand: there anyone in the sky that could match up to God? If we consider the sons of the mighty, there would be someone who only it were like God? The answer to these questions is no!

The simplest man knows that it is impossible for the creature match up, or take the lift rather than the Creator.

But from hearing that Satan wanted to be equal with God, created a consensus, and many allow themselves to agree with such an argument, even if unconsciously, that the possibility of Satan to be like God existed.

It’s strange the man, who has limited knowledge, state that it is possible for someone to become the Creator, and is the absurd cumulo that a created being full of wisdom has brought be the Creator Himself.

Moreover, how Satan managed to convince a third of the angels would be possible to thrive in an attempt to alçarem the position of the Creator?



The Claim

Leaving the side of consensus, the Bible tells us that Satan brought to be like God. Isaiah presents the intention of the heart of Satan: “Thou hast said in thine heart,”

“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14).

There is a big difference between pretend to be like the Most High and usurp his place. Satan even ‘owned’ by pride, was fully aware of the unattainable position of its Creator: the Most High. Although sin had settled in nature, Satan was aware that the position of God is unattainable.

Reaching the Inaccessible? How to match up to Peerless? Note that is not feasible, ie, it is impossible to carry out any plan to usurp the position of the Creator.

Based on this evidence, it is impossible for the creature reach the position of the Creator, are the questions: what motivated the idea that Satan wanted to be God? Whose interest that spreading such a consensus? Who favors such a lie?

One of today’s biggest lies is that Satan brought to be equal with God. This lie gave birth to duality: good and evil; God and Satan. This approach behind an equivalence between God, the Creator, and the devil, the creature. Who is beneficial that this lie is propagated?


The Truth About the Father of Lies

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of lies “(John 8:44).

Speaking to religious of his time, Jesus described some characteristics enemy of our souls:

  • He was a murderer from the beginning;
  • not signed and there is no truth in him;
  • When he lies, is something of its nature.
  • But it was not always so.

Satan was an angel of the order of cherubim. In other words, Satan was an angel of high position before his fellows. He was named as the Light Bearer (in Hebrew, Heilel Ben shachar, הילל בן שחר; in Greek in the Septuagint, heosphoros).

The Bible describes Satan before the fall as the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. He was in the Garden of Eden Garden of God, and when it was created, was also prepared their ornaments (robes).

He should be the holy mountain of God, exercising the function for which it was commissioned: anointed guard. He had taken the greatest position of the celestial hierarchy, because God established the anointed cherub that position.

However, because they find sin in the anointed cherub, God stripped him of his position, throwing the desecrated out of the lot, and Satan was given the penalty: death!


Before the fall

When God created the heavenly beings, the anointed cherub said, “You are the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” (Ezekiel 28:12).

On the spot where the cherub was put, we have “been in Eden the garden of God” (Ezekiel 28:13). The description of the cherubim holding the clothes she wore, she being created on the day he was brought into being “adorned you every precious stone (…) on the day you were created they were prepared” (Ez 28: 13).

To be found in iniquity anointed cherub, he is described as: “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that you were created …” (Ezekiel 28:15).

His mission was: “You were the anointed cherub guard …” Ezekiel 28: 14. But all established by God “… and I have set thee” (v. 14). The routine was his go the hill protecting him: “You were on the holy mountain of God walked among the fiery stones” (v. 14).


After the fall

Satan brought assess some kind of profit mission that played, and fell into sin (Ezekiel 28:16). Because of the iniquity of Satan, God removed the anointed cherub. He was released the holy mountain by becoming profane. By misusing his position seeking an advantage (trade), he desecrated.

In addition to being removed from office for which was commissioned and released out of the mountain of God, the anointed cherub perished. It is the first reference to the wages of sin in the universe: perish, or be separated from the life that is in God: Death!

“From what you cast desecrated out of the mountain of God, and I will destroy you, O cherub shield, between stones of fire” (Ezekiel 28:16).

We have that Satan is a murderer from the beginning, that is, it led 1/3 of the angels to death. Then he led humanity to the same condition: being alienated from the life that is in God. All mankind was devoid of the glory of God through the fall of the first Adam.

He abode not in the truth, because God is true. All who are not God, are not true, and so are children of the devil.


The intention of the cherub

Satan is a liar from the beginning, however, the Isaiah prophecy, revealed the true intent of your heart, which corresponded to the truth: “Thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14 : 14).

God points the intention of the anointed guardian cherub heart through the prophet Isaiah. It is shown that the claim was the anointed cherub guard (I will be like), the method (I will ascend above the stars (angels).

“Thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God will exalt my throne; the mount of the congregation will I sit in the far north “(Is 14:13).

What was the real intention of the anointed cherub? He wished in his heart ascend to heaven (since it was established on earth, specifically in Eden), above the stars of God, exalting his throne.

We know that the stars are in heaven. However, the stars of which the former archangel mentioned says the angels of God. The ‘stars of God’ says the whole angelic order: cherub, Archangel and angels. Although a cherub have a rank higher than an angel, he remains angel. Although a cherub is hierarchically superior to an archangel, both cherub, as archangels remain angels.

All the angelic order was in heaven, and the anointed cherub of the guard, which was established to save the holy mountain of God in Eden, brought up to heaven, but wanted to get possession of the sky in a superior position to Angel.

Why he ‘would rise to heaven’? Because he was in Eden performing the mission for which it was established: save the holy mountain traveling on the fiery stones.

But his purpose was to get possession of the sky in a superior position to the stars of God (angels). He wanted to be in a position above (exalt my throne), above the stars of God.

How to achieve a higher position of the angels? To achieve a higher position of the angels, first would need no longer be angel, and move to another category of ‘being’ or ‘existence’. If he ascended to heaven and continue to be cherub, would not have ‘risen’ or exalted his throne, his position in the heavenly order.

As he intended to raise a new position in the celestial order? He wanted to achieve a superior position to the stars of God (angels) sat on the mount of the congregation, we northern ends. What was commissioned to covering cherub anointed protect (save), he wanted to achieve.

At no time we see Satan attempting to find the most high position, since this intent is not feasible to any creature.

He wanted to rise above the highest clouds, the position of likeness of the Almighty.

We see that he wanted to be similar and not equal to God. Be equal with God is not feasible, but for the anointed cherub, be similar to the Creator seemed fully feasible.


Similarity of The Most High

When you understand that Satan desired God’s position, many questions remain silent. But when it is understood that Satan sought to achieve the likeness of the Almighty, many questions arise.

What is the likeness of the Almighty? What’s in the likeness of the Almighty would allow the covering cherub anointed have a superior position to the angels?

“I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14).

“Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness …” (Gen. 1:26).

Note that what Satan brought achieve, God gave to man, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness!


Who cares to lie?

Looking more carefully the biblical fact that Satan brought to be like God, we can identify what is behind the lie that has been disclosed, that Satan brought to take the glory of God, and make clear the truth, because the truth always will be true no matter what is established by consensus.

What the Bible says? Satan brought take the place of God?

Please Note:

“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14).

When propagates the idea that Satan brought to be equal with God, man ceases to wonder: what is to be like God? It is the enemy of the interest of our souls that man does not find out what is to be like the Most High.

The Bible shows that it is impossible creature be like the Most High:

“For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD “(Psalm 89: 6).

The answer is straightforward: no one can match up to God. This verse alone shows that Satan brought not be equal to God, as is knowledge of all creatures of God that He is unparalleled.

Satan brought to be like God, and to carry out his intention, had in his heart a ‘good’ plan drawn up. He thought that was enough ascend into heaven above the stars of God, which reach the likeness of the Creator. Ledo mistake! He was cast in hell.

“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven above the stars of God will exalt my throne, and the mount of the congregation will I sit the far north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High “(Isaiah 14:13 -14).

Which is not the surprise of all the spiritual forces when God said:

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth “(Gen. 1:26).

What Lucifer brought achieve, God has given gracefully to man. He created Adam your image and your likeness.

When we ask what is to be like God, we begin to see the manifold wisdom of God that is revealed to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places through the church (Ephesians 3:10)!

We know it is impossible for all God’s creatures are equal to Him in power and magnificence, however, God established that the man would receive the likeness of Him.

This eternal plan seemed frustrated when mankind fall in Adam, however, through the person of his Son, Jesus, the last Adam, God grants their similarity to those who believe in him.

“However, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come” (Rom 5:14).

Adam was the figure of Christ (the one who was to come), and Christ the express image of God. Through Christ man reaches the fullness of God Cl 2: 9- 10, and are raised the position of children of God.

The position that man attains in Christ is greater than the angels, archangels, seraphim and cherubim, since it will be a matter for the judge angels saved, regardless of the category they belong (1 Cor 6: 3).

To those who are in Christ are to be like Him, very high position compared to the Angels (1 John 3: 2).

“Beloved, now we are children of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when he appears we shall be like him; because we shall see him as he is “(1 John 3: 2).


Superior position to God’s Stars

EH Bancroft left recorded the following: “… as a result of pride in their own superiority, he sought to divert to himself the worship due to God alone” Elementary Theology, Emery H. Nancroft, Ed EBR 2001, Page 302, II. . (emphasis added). It is correct to say that Satan wanted the worship due to God, as I say Bancroft?

Satan wanted a position above the stars of God, and it brought appropriating the likeness of God. To carry out its plan effect, he intended to sit on the mount of assembly, in the far north. He wanted to get hold of that for which it was established to save.

For him, being in a superior position to his companions up enough, or climb a new position. But God surprises all the angelic hosts to come down and give his resemblance to men.

Thus, it appears that is a lie to say that Lucifer brought to be equal with God. The pride that went to the heart of Satan made him did not keep their original position (principality), and would attempt to reach a new position, the godlike.

Satan wanted to achieve a higher position, since pride took possession of his heart. As one created perfect in all his ways, represent the perfection of God (perfect seal), full of wisdom, perfect in beauty and have a dress that distinguished him from all the other angels, was attracted to achieve what was commissioned to protect.

He found great because of its beauty. Having focused the radiance that had the wisdom not delivered the fall. He rejected their first (position established by God) to try to make use of a position unknown to him.

The anointed cherub, because of pride, not seen the other angels as companions, before the staring at the top of their rank. Your heart was lifted up because of his beauty, and wisdom that should remove him from pride, was corrupted by the desire for greater position.


The Eternal Purpose

The angelic beings were created through the power and word of God, Let there be, and they came into existence “When the morning stars sang together happily, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38: 7); “Praise the name of Jehovah, he commanded and they were created” (Ps 148: 5).

The angels knew the power and the majesty of God, however, these were unaware of their manifold wisdom.

They were unaware of the eternal purpose of God revealed in the gospel only to converge in Christ all things “De might gather together in Christ all things in the dispensation of the fulness of times, both which are in heaven and that are on earth” (Eph 1:10).

They were unaware of the eternal purpose of God in Christ do the firstborn of all creation “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” (Col 1:15); “And he is the head of the body, the church; is the beginning and the primogênitodentre the dead, that in everything he might have the preeminence “(Colossians 1:18); “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; For now, the church, the manifold wisdom of God may be known to the principalities and powers in heaven, According to the eternal purpose which he did in Christ Jesus our Lord “(Eph 3: 9 -11).

To lead to his eternal purpose effect, it pleased God create the earth to be inhabited “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth and made it; he confirmed, did not create it empty, but formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord and there is none else “(Isaiah 45:18).

On earth God created Eden, where the mystery which has been hidden from the eternal ages would be revealed (Eph 3: 9).

Left on the hill protector, the anointed cherub of the guard, in authority and rank superior to other angelic beings.

However, to realize that there was a superior position to the position of angels, which is the likeness of the Almighty, Satan desired for himself.

He left his principality, the position for which it was established and launched in the works sit on the mount of assembly in the far north. The plan seemed feasible due to the pride the covering cherub, who managed to deceive and attract 1/3 of the angelic order “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who had given birth, so that when she gave birth, swallow his son “(Rev. 12: 4).

But it pleased God from time immemorial, according to the counsel of his will give men their image.


The First Man

Man was created in an inferior position of the angels Ps 8: 4 But in Christ Jesus, the last Adam, the man goes to a position greater than the angels.

Man was created by God out of clay. This was the first man, created living soul, being designated natural man and land. All other men are as the first man, natural and earth.

Due to the fall of Adam, all men are born under an inherited condemnation of the first man. All mankind brings the image of the ground.


The Last Man

The last Adam is Christ. It is life-giving spirit, that is, it gives life to those who were made a living soul in Adam.

Jesus Christ man was generated by the Eternal Spirit, the firstborn over all creation (the first begotten of God). While Adam was created, Jesus is the begotten of God. While Adam was creature, Jesus is the Son.

Through Christ, the last man (spiritual and heavenly man), all land men who believe they are born again of incorruptible seed, which is the word of God. These are alive and become as the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45 -49).

“So it is written:. The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit But not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; then the spiritual The first man is of the earth, earthy;. the second man, the Lord from heaven is the earthy, such are also the land;. and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. “(1 Cor 15:45 -49).


The Coveted Position

Satan coveted the most high similarity of position, however, unaware that God himself would undress of his glory, becoming flesh.

As the anointed cherub wanted to climb the possession of heaven greater position than the heavenly beings, the Word was made flesh, assumed the form of a servant and dwelt among men (Phil 2: 6 -11).

However, having resigned himself to take the form of a servant, making himself equal to men, God raised Christ sovereignly. Even after taking the ‘less than’ position angels, Jesus even more humbled, and became obedient unto death, and death on the cross.

Note that Christ the servant position had not robbery to be equal with God, while being God (Phil 2: 7). Note that the condition of the high priest was given by the Father, that is, He gave no hand this function “So also Christ did not glorify himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, this day begotten thee “(Heb 5: 5).

To be glorified by the Father with the glory he had before there world, Jesus acquires spare name which is above all names “And now glorify thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was “(John 17: 5). On returning to glory, Christ leads among men many children to God “For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom everything exists, bringing many sons unto glory, to the afflictions the captain of their salvation” (Heb 2:10).

The eternal purpose is fulfilled when Christ returns to glory bringing many sons to God, as Christ becomes firstborn among many brethren condition and firstborn from the dead.

The image and likeness of God passed on to their children, which are generated from the incorruptible seed, which is the word of God. “And so for now, the church, the manifold wisdom of God may be known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places” (EF 2:10).

Satan brought achieve a position, however, unaware of the manifold wisdom of God. Unaware that the elevated position above the stars of God arises from the divine filiation.

The position he craved, is irrelevant to the creature, and yes, the Son, the last Adam, through whom reached the condition of children. Only those who were greeted by children is receiving the high position of being like the Most High (1 John 3: 2; Hebrews 2:10 -13; Rom 8:16 -17).


Mount of the Congregation

“In the mount of the congregation will I sit in the far north” (Is 14:13).

Satan brought achieve a higher position (will be like the Most High), to establish above the stars of God. For this he brought settle up in the far north, the mount of the congregation of God.

What was the mount of the congregation? Or, what was the holy mountain of God? Why was there a need for a protective performing guard duty?

The glory of God was present in Eden, the mount of assembly, in the far north. There was the congregation’s environment, however, the assembly that was established in the holy mount did not belong to the stars of God.

Note that ‘God’s children’ presented themselves before the Lord from time to time (Job 1: 6; Job 2: 1), however, the mount of the congregation that was in Eden was vetoed them. God had been the anointed cherub protector, so that the angels do not obtain access to this mystery in the mount of the congregation.

The mount of the congregation was the glory of God, the same as the priest Ezekiel saw in vision depart from the temple. The glory was upon the cherubim and retreated to the entrance of the temple (Ezekiel 9: 3 and Ezekiel 10: 4); the entrance of the temple, the glory went to the city, and finally, the glory went to the Mount of Olives (Ezekiel 11:23).

The same glory will be returning to the temple millennial (Ezekiel 43: 2 -7). When the Lord go forth to battle, his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which will be split in half (Zechariah 14: 4). Note that the presence of God has always been shrouded in mystery, “Then Solomon said, the Lord declared that he would dwell in a dark cloud” (1 Kings 8:12).

We do not know details of what was treated in the holy mount of the congregation, however, know that there was the place where the meeting was given to address the mystery that has always been hidden in God, and that this ‘congregation’ was established without the presence of the angels since the anointed cherub was established to prevent the approach of heavenly beings.

It is noticed that the anointed cherub guard, which was established to protect the mystery, he was tempted to look and saw that he was about to develop.

The conjecture of Satan led him to fall, once wished likeness of the Almighty, to be in a superior position to the heavenly beings.

When God created the heavens and the earth, it was necessary to establish the anointed covering cherub in Eden to prevent access of the angelic hosts the holy mountain. Later, God set cherubim to prevent access of man released from his presence, to prevent them from having access to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24).

The cherubim east of the Garden of Eden and the flaming sword guarded the way of the tree of life of man in sin. Already the anointed cherub, protected the mount of the congregation access of heavenly beings, not having access to hidden mystery.

Satan turned out to conjecture that if he were on the mount of assembly, place accessible only to God, he would achieve a superior position to the celestials (stars of God). Why not be in search of the Highest position, but in a higher position the stars of God, did not see the violence of his intention to bring profane the sanctuary of his Creator Ezek 28: 16.

He was already in a privileged position, the shield, and it was vested with power and authority over others (Zechariah 3: 1 -2; Jude 1: 9).

But pride made him aspire to profit from his guard position (multiplying its trade) (Ez 28:16), and was launched from polluted Eden, to want to have access to the place of the glory of God (Isaiah 48:11).


Two Figures illustrating Intent Anointed Cherub


“When Haman entered, the king asked him: What shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor Now Haman said to himself,? To whom would the king delight to honor more than me” (Et 6: 6).

Haman the Agagite, was magnified above all the princes of the kingdom of Ahasuerus (Xerxes). All the king’s officials bowed when Haman passed, as the king will order (Et 3: 1 -3). But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence.

The official protested to Mordecai, and he did not hear them. These in turn did Haman know of Mordecai attitude.

Haman to know the behavior of Mordecai, the king proposed a way to raise 10,000 talents of silver, exterminating the people of Mordecai, on the pretext of not meeting the king’s laws (Et 3: 9).

What Haman offered the king was intended as only a personal satisfaction. He was vain, arrogant and selfish. When the king proposed to honor Mordecai, Haman could only see yourself as one who deserved the king’s honor.

Like Haman, the anointed cherub guard was blind because of his beauty, and wanted for himself the honor and position that God please give your children: a likeness of the Almighty.




“But there he was strong, lifted up his heart to be corrupted, and transgressed against the LORD his God, and entered the LORD’s temple to burn incense on the altar” (2 Chronicles 26:16).

King Uzziah was one of the kings of Judah and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord (2 Chronicles 26: 4).

However, having fortified his kingdom with warriors, machines, spears and arrows, his heart was corrupted. He was unfaithful to bring offer incense on the altar of incense in the temple of the Lord (2 Chronicles 26:16).

Note that he was prevented by the priests, described as brave men. These withstood Uzziah and said, “To you, Uzziah, not for burning incense before the Lord, but the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense” II Cr 26: 18.

The priests determined that Uzziah came out of the temple, having been unfaithful. The alert and full, “or is this for you your honor from the LORD God.” Christ became a priest after the order of Melchizedek, God bestow this honor (Heb 5: 5). Uzziah brought offer incense, honor given to the sons of Aaron, which became unfaithful.

Blindness reached the point of it angry with the priests, who were alert about your error. Then leprosy sprouted on his forehead. The priests rushed to his withdrawal from the temple, and he hurried out when he realized that God had injured him (2 Chronicles 26:20).

Similarly, when wanting to sit on the holy mountain to take a position that was not given, Satan became profane. He did not desecrated the place of the glory of God, since, when he found wickedness in him, God laid it desecrated the mountain of God and deprived of his principality (Ez 28:16