Bible studies

"Let us go on unto perfection" Hb 6:1



The Work that demonstrates Love to God



The work that demonstrates love to God

When we hear about God, we seized with reverent attitudes, a feeling of devotion invades us, and emotion speaks loudly. Often, when we read about God's love for humanity, willingness comes to the surface and we want to turn our feelings and emotions into service.
Size: 441.48 KB
Hits: 433
Date added: 09-01-2022
Date modified: 09-01-2022

The work that demonstrates love to God

When we hear about God, we seized with reverent attitudes, a feeling of devotion invades us, and emotion speaks loudly. Often, when we read about God's love for humanity, willingness comes to the surface and we want to turn our feelings and emotions into service.
Size: 1.37 MB
Hits: 247
Date added: 09-01-2022
Date modified: 09-01-2022

The work that demonstrates love to God

When we hear about God, we seized with reverent attitudes, a feeling of devotion invades us, and emotion speaks loudly. Often, when we read about God's love for humanity, willingness comes to the surface and we want to turn our feelings and emotions into service.
Size: 572.25 KB
Hits: 250
Date added: 09-01-2022
Date modified: 09-01-2022

Claudio Crispim

É articulista do Portal Estudo Bíblico (, com mais de 360 artigos publicados e distribuídos gratuitamente na web. Nasceu em Mato Grosso do Sul, Nova Andradina, Brasil, em 1973. Aos 2 anos de idade sua família mudou-se para São Paulo, onde vive até hoje. O pai, ‘in memória’, exerceu o oficio de motorista coletivo e, a mãe, é comerciante, sendo ambos evangélicos. Cursou o Bacharelado em Ciências Policiais de Segurança e Ordem Pública na Academia de Policia Militar do Barro Branco, se formando em 2003, e, atualmente, exerce é Capitão da Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo. Casado com a Sra. Jussara, e pai de dois filhos: Larissa e Vinícius.

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